This seminar belongs to the project “Cartography of the Cultural Landscape of Artisan Salt in Chile. Instrument for planning and heritage management”, framed in the Research Interdisciplinary Competition, a call by the Research Vice Rector of Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile (2018), with the participation of Universidad Politécnica de Madrid as international partner.
Emilia Román López
Urban and Territorial Planning Department
School of Architecture, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
Osvaldo Moreno Flores
Master in Landscape Architecture. School of Architecture, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
Gloria Naranjo Ramírez
Human Geography Department. Institute of Geography, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
In this context, this International Seminar will create an exchange opportunity about this cultural landscapes from different sectors and research fields. The main objective is to stablish and to define a territorial and cultural framework, with a global and integral scope about salt landscaping. The aim is to identify, manage, protect and diffuse this heritage. Moreover, the results from the research project led by the two universities will be shared. In this sense, the investigation will create a systematic analysis of salt landscapes and their territorial structure, in order to understand their principal characteristics, typologies and interrelations by diagnosis procedure and integral evaluation. It will also promote different initiatives to enhance this cultural heritage and to spread future projects and interdisciplinar collaborations that may arise throughout this International Seminar.
Another objective is the organisation of two International Research Seminars in Madrid (November, 2019) and in Santiago de Chile (March, 2020):
- First International Seminar “Cultural Landscapes of Artisan Salt in Spain and Ibero-America. Strategies and Instruments for Planning and Management of Cultural Heritage”, at School of Architecture (Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Madrid), Universidad Politécnica de Madrid.
- Second International Seminar “Cultural Landscapes of Artisan Salt in Spain and Ibero-America. Strategies and Instruments for Planning and Management of Cultural Heritage”, at Faculty of Architecture, Design and Urban Studies, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.
This first Seminar organised in Madrid aims to be the start point of an international research group about cultural landscapes of salt, to join together and spread the knowledge to society. In this sense, diversity in all the fields interested in this topic must be highlighted: geographers, archaeologists, anthropologists, historians, geologists, environmentalists, biologists, musicians, writers, painters, chefs, etc. This panoply of fields of study supports the potential results of future investigations through different epistemological focus.
Another interesting long-term potential has direct relation with the proposed topic of the Seminar is its replicability in other areas related with culture, landscape, territory and landscape. At the same time, it has also the capacity of creating international networks with other countries, as this kind of landscapes, characterised by artisan techniques, are present in many other places of the world. In fact, in Latin America there are so many countries where salinas exist: Venezuela, México, Argentina, Bolivia, Perú, Ecuador; as well as in Europe: Spain, Portugal, France, Greece, etc.
Cultural planning and management, as well as diffusion of high natural and cultural values of these landscapes, can be a support strategy for local and regional governments and for future international networks to promote this heritage. Moreover, this kind of cultural productive landscapes can be a very interesting vector of local development due to the huge thematic focuses that it involves: educational activities, tourisnm, gastronomy, health, sciences disciplines, biology, etc.
The Seminar will be celebrated on 20th and 21st of November 2019:
- Morning session: conferences by speakers and discussion between attendees.
- Evening session: practical workshop to be developed between attendees and experts.
During both days of the seminar: exhibition of products related with cultural landscape of salt.