The Biosystems Engineering Master is structured in a flexible way, so that the student can complete their curriculum or choose to finish the Master with the mention of the "Projects and construction", "Irrigation and energy" intensification area or "Automation and mechanization".
he first part of the Master is dedicated to studying the fundamental body of the subjects, while the second part allows students a high degree of specialization, and both professional and research orientation. For this, the students will attend specialized seminars and complete their training with external internships (in companies or research centers according to their orientation) and the Master's final project, which may also have a professional or research-oriented nature according to the preference of the student. In this way, the orientation of the Master (professional or research) chosen by the student will be manifested fundamentally in his choice of Master's Thesis and external internships.
It can be followed face-to-face in Spanish or semipresential, and in this case, both in Spanish or English.
The explanatory scheme of the Master is presented below:
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