Carlos A. López Barrio received the Engineering (equivalent to M.Sc.) and the PhD. degrees in Telecommunication Engineering from the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM – Technical Univ. of Madrid), Spain, in 1975 and 1977 respectively. He is Full Professor with the Department of Electronic Engineering (UPM), Director of the “Integrated Systems Laboratory –LSI-” Research Group and Board Member of the IPTC (Information Technologies and Telecommunications R&D Center). He has held professional posts at Telefónica (Telecom Operator): Director of Innovation (R&D Subsidiary, Spain), from 1988 to 1997, and Deputy General Director of Technology and Networks (Corporate and Spanish Subsidiary), from 1997-2004. He was Head of the Electronics Engineering Department (UPM, 1982-86 and 2012-2018), General Coordinator of the Moncloa’s Campus of International Excellence (UPM and Complutense Universities) in 2010, and he is nowadays Director of the ITC Doctoral Area (International Doctoral School of the UPM). He has participated in and led a number of national and international research projects. His research interests include efficient architectures for optimal IC and FPGA implementation and high-performance digital architectures, as well as Innovation management.

- Signal Processing Architectures
- Energy Efficiency
- Innovation management

- INTN: Technological and business innovation
- MCHP: Methodology, Quality and Personal Skills
- CRIN: Creativity and Innovation