- MARTÍNEZ-GONZÁLEZ, J. M. PARDO, JOSÉ A. VALLEJO-PINTO , R. SAN-SEGUNDO, J. FERREIROS, “Analysis of transition cost and model parameters in speaker diarization for meetings, EURASIP J AUDIO SPEECH MUSIC PROC, 2021, 12 (2021) , https://doi.org/10.1186/s13636-021-00196-6.
- M. GIL-MARTÍN, R. SAN-SEGUNDO, R. DE CÓRDOBA, J. M. PARDO, “Robust Biometrics from Motion Wearable Sensors Using a D-vector Approach”. Neural Processing Letters, 52(3), 2109-2125, 2020, doi.org/10.1007/s11063-020-10339-z
- R. SAN-SEGUNDO, M. GIL-MARTÍN, L. F. D’HARO, J. M. PARDO, “Classification of epileptic EEG recordings using signal transforms and convolutional neural networks”. April 2019, Computers in Biology and Medicine 109. DOI: 10.1016/j.compbiomed.2019.04.031.
- J. ZHU, R. SAN-SEGUNDO, J. M. PARDO, “Feature extraction for robust physical activity recognition”. Human-centric Computing and Information Sciences, 7:16. 2 June 2017. ISSN: 2192-1962
- MARTÍNEZ-GONZÁLEZ, J. M. PARDO, J. D. ECHEVERRY-CORREA, R. SAN-SEGUNDO, “Spatial Features Selection for Unsupervised Speaker Segmentation and Clustering”. Expert Systems With Applications No. 73, 1 May 2017, pp 27-42, ISSN: 0957-4174.
- RUBÉN SAN-SEGUNDO, JULIÁN DAVID ECHEVERRY-CORREA, CHRISTIAN SALAMEA, AND JOSÉ MANUEL PARDO “Human Activity Monitoring Based on Hidden Markov Models Using a Smartphone” IEEE Instrumentation & Measurement Magazine December 2016, pp 27-31.
- R. SAN-SEGUNDO, J.D. ECHEVERRY-CORREA, C. SALAMEA-PALACIOS, S. LUTFI, J. M. PARDO, “I-vector analysis for gait-based person identification using smartphone inertial signals”. Pervasive and Mobile Computing, 2017, Vol 38, pp 140-153, ISSN: 1574-1192.
- R. SAN-SEGUNDO, J.M. MONTERO, J. MORENO-PIMENTEL, J. M. PARDO, “HMM Adaptation for Improving a Human Activity Recognition System”. Algorithms, Volume 9, Issue 3, 2016
- R. SAN-SEGUNDO, , J. LORENZO-TRUEBA, B. MARTÍNEZ-GONZÁLEZ, J.M. PARDO, “Segmenting human activities based on HMMs using smartphone inertial sensors”. Pervasive and Mobile Computing, Vol 30, Issue C, August 2016, pp 84-96.ISSN 1574-1192.
- R. SAN-SEGUNDO, J. M. MONTERO, R. BARRA-CHICOTE, F. FERNÁNDEZ, J. M. PARDO, “Feature Extraction from Smartphone Inertial Signals for Human Activity Segmentation”. Signal Processing (2016), Volume 120, March 2016, pp. 359-372, doi:10.1016/j.sigpro.2015.09.029, ISSN 0165-1684.
- MARTÍNEZ-GONZÁLEZ, J.M. PARDO, J.D. ECHEVERRY-CORREA, J.M. MONTERO, “New experiments on speaker diarization for unsupervised speaking style voice building for speech synthesis”, Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural, Vol. 52, pp 77-84, ISSN: 1989-7553, marzo 2014
- V. LÓPEZ-LUDEÑA, R. SAN-SEGUNDO, C. GONZÁLEZ MORCILLO, J. C. LÓPEZ, J. M. PARDO, “Increasing Adaptability Of A Speech Into Sign Language Translation System”, Expert Systems with Applications 40, 2013, ISSN- 0957-4174, Q1 año 2013 pp 1312–1322.
- F. VERDEJO , R. MARTÍNEZ, J. CIGARRÁN, V. FRESNO, A. GARCÍA-SERRANO, P. MARTÍNEZ, J.M.PARDO, A. MARTÍNEZ, P. CASTELLS, A. MORENO , D. TORRE I. CANTADOR, D. VALLET, A. DUARTE, M de BUENAGA, “Improving the access, analysis and visibility of the information and the multilingual and multimedia net content for the Madrid Community”, Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural – Nº 49, 2012.
- L.F. D’HARO, R. DE CÓRDOBA, J.M. MONTERO, J. FERREIROS, J.M. PARDO, “Application of Backend Database Contents and Structure to the Design of Spoken Dialog Services” Expert Systems with Applications, Vol.: 39, Issue 5 pp: 5665- 5680, April 2012
- V. LÓPEZ. RUBÉN SAN-SEGUNDO, J. M. MONTERO, R. DE CÓRDOBA, J. FERREIROS; J. M. PARDO, “Automatic Categorization for Improving Spanish into Spanish Sign Language Translation” Computer Speech and Language, Elsevier, vol. 26 No 3 pp 149-167, 2011 doi:10.1016/j.csl.2011.09.003
- J. FERREIROS, J.M. PARDO, R. DE CÓRDOBA, J. MACIAS-GUARASA, J.M. MONTERO, F. FERNÁNDEZ, V. SAMA, L.F. D’HARO, G. GONZÁLEZ, “A speech interface for air traffic control terminals” Aerospace Science and Technology 21 (2012) pp 7–15 ISSN:1270-9638, (JCR Impact Factor 2011: 0,983 Quartile in category: Q1), DOI 10.1016/j.ast.2011.05.002.
- J. M. PARDO, R. BARRA-CHICOTE, R. SAN-SEGUNDO, R. DE CÓRDOBA, B. MARTÍNEZ-GONZÁLEZ, “Speaker Diarization Features: The UPM Contribution to the RT09 Evaluation” IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language Processing, Vol 20, No 2, February 2012, pp 426-435, ISSN: 1558-7916
- J. M. PARDO, J. FERREIROS , F. FERNÁNDEZ, V. SAMA , R. DE CÓRDOBA , J. MACIAS-GUARASA , J. M. MONTERO , R. SAN SEGUNDO, L. F. D´HARO, G. GONZÁLEZ, “Automatic Understanding of ATC Speech: Study of Prospectives and Field Experiments for Several Controller Positions” IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, Vol. 47, no.4 , pp 2709 – 2730, October 2011, ISSN: 0018-9251, DOI 10.1109/TAES.2011.6034660.
- L. F. D’HARO, R. DE CÓRDOBA, R. SAN-SEGUNDO, J. FERREIROS, J. M. PARDO, “Design and evaluation of acceleration strategies for speeding up the development of dialog applications ” Speech Communication, Vol. 53, No. 8, pp. 1002-1025, ISSN: 0167-6393, 2011. DOI:10.1016/j.specom.2011.05.008.
- ROBERTO BARRA-CHICOTE, J.M. PARDO, JAVIER FERREIROS, JUAN MANUEL MONTERO, “Speaker Diarization Based On Intensity Channel Contribution”, IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language Processing, vol 19, n.4 , pp 754-761, May 2011, ISSN: 1558-79162010, D.O.I.: 10.1109/TASL.2010.2062507.
- R. SAN-SEGUNDO, J.M. PARDO, J. FERREIROS, V. SAMA, R. BARRA-CHICOTE, J.M. LUCAS-CUESTA, D. SÁNCHEZ AND A. GARCÍA, “Spoken Spanish Generation from Sign Language”, Interacting with Computers 22, pp. 123-139, 2010.
- R. SAN-SEGUNDO, R. DE CÓRDOBA, J. FERREIROS, J. MACÍAS-GUARASA, J. M. MONTERO, F. FERNÁNDEZ, L. F. D’HARO, R. BARRA-CHICOTE AND J. M. PARDO. “Speech Technology At Home: Enhanced Interfaces For People With Disabilities” Intelligent Automation and Soft Computing, vol. 15, issue 4, USA, TSI Press , pp. 645-664, 04/2009
- J. MACÍAS-GUARASA, J. M. MONTERO, J. FERREIROS, R. DE CÓRDOBA, R. SAN-SEGUNDO, J. M. GUTIÉRREZ-ARRIOLA, L.F. D’HARO, F. FERNÁNDEZ, R. BARRA-CHICOTE , J. M. PARDO. “Novel Applications of Neural Networks in Speech Technology Systems: Search Space Reduction and Prosodic Modelling” Intelligent Automation and Soft Computing, vol. 15, issue 4, USA, TSI Press , pp. 629-644, 04/2009.
- J.M. LUCAS CUESTA, R. ALCÁZAR PRIOR, J.M. MONTERO MARTÍNEZ, F. FERNÁNDEZ MARTÍNEZ, R. BARRA-CHICOTE, L.F. D’HARO ENRÍQUEZ, J. FERREIROS LÓPEZ, R. DE CÓRDOBA HERRALDE, J. MACÍAS-GUARASA, R. SAN SEGUNDO HERNÁNDEZ, J.M. PARDO MUÑOZ “Desarrollo de un Robot-Guía con Integración de un Sistema de Diálogo y Expresión de Emociones: Proyecto ROBINT” Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural, Revista nº 40, marzo de 2008, pp. 51-58, ISSN 1135-5948.
- R. SAN-SEGUNDO , J.M. MONTERO, J. MACÍAS-GUARASA, R. CÓRDOBA, J. FERREIROS, J.M. PARDO “Proposing a speech to gesture translation architecture for Spanish deaf people” Journal of Visual Languages and Computing Vol. 19, pp. 523–538, 2008, ISSN: 1045-926X.
- R. SAN-SEGUNDO, R. BARRA, R. DE CÓRDOBA, L.F. D’HARO, F. FERNÁNDEZ, J. FERREIROS, J.M. LUCAS, J. MACÍAS-GUARASA, J.M. MONTERO, J.M. PARDO “ Speech to sign language translation system for Spanish” , Speech Communication vol. 50, pp.1009–1020, ISSN: 0167-6393, November-December, 2008.
- J.M. PARDO, X. ANGUERA, C. WOOTERS, “Speaker Diarization for Multiple-Distant Microphone Meetings Using Several Sources of Information”, IEEE Transactions on Computers, Vol. 56, No. 9, September 2007, pp 1212-1224. ISSN 0018-9340.
- R. DE CÓRDOBA, J. FERREIROS, R. SAN-SEGUNDO, J. MACÍAS-GUARASA, J. M. MONTERO, F. FERNÁNDEZ, L. F. D’HARO, J. M. PARDO, Cross-Task and Speaker Adaptation in a Speech Recognition System for Air Traffic Control, . IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Magazine, Vol 21, No 9, ISSN 0885-8985, September 2006
- X ANGUERA, C. WOOTERS, J.M. PARDO ” Robust Speaker Diarization for Meetings: ICSI RT06s meetings evaluation system” Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 4299/2006, pp. 346-358, ISSN 0302-9743, 2006.
- J.M. PARDO, X. ANGUERA, C. WOOTERS, “Speaker Diarization for Multi-Microphone Meetings Using Only Between-Channel Differences”, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2006, Volume 4299/2006, pp. 257-264, ISSN 0302-9743, 2006.
- F. FERNÁNDEZ, J. FERREIROS, J.M. PARDO, V. SAMA R. DE CÓRDOBA, J. MACÍAS, J.M. MONTERO, R. SAN SEGUNDO, L.F. D’HARO, M. SANTAMARÍA, G. GONZÁLEZ “Automatic understanding of ATC speech”, IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Magazine, Vol 21, No 10, pp 12-17, October 2006, ISSN 0885-8985.
- J.MACIAS, R. SAN SEGUNDO, J.M. MONTERO, J.FERREIROS, R. CORDOBA, F.FERNANDEZ, L.F.D´HARO, J.M. PARDO, “Adapting a search algorithm to the Spanish railway network”, Transportation Planning and Technology, Vol 29, Issue 1, ISSN 0308-1060, February 2006.
- L.F. D´HARO, R. DE CÓRDOBA,J. FERREIROS, S.W. HAMERICH, V. SCHLESS, B. KLADIS, V. SCHUBERT, O. KOCSIS, S. IGEL, J.M. PARDO (2006) “An advanced platform to speed up the design of multilingual dialog applications for multiple modalities”, Speech Communication, Volume 48, Issue 8, pages 863-887, ISSN: 0167-6393, August 2006.
- R. DE CÓRDOBA, J. MACÍAS-GUARASA, V.SAMA, R. BARRA, J.M. PARDO, “New advances in cross-talk and speaker adaptation for air traffic control tasks” Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural, n 35, Septiembre 2005, ISSN 1135-5948.
- V.SAMA, J. FERREIROS, F, FERNANDEZ, R. SAN SEGUNDO, J.M. PARDO, “Topic Identification based on Bayesian Belief Networks in the context of an Air Traffic Control Task”, Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural, n 35, Septiembre 2005, ISSN 1135-5948.
- R. SAN-SEGUNDO, J.M. MONTERO, J. MACÍAS-GUARASA, , J. FERREIROS, J.M. PARDO “Knowledge-Combining Methodology for Dialogue Design in Spoken Language Systems”, International Journal of Speech Technology, 8, 45-66, 2005.
- GALLARDO, J. MACÍAS, R. SAN SEGUNDO, J. FERREIROS, J.M. PARDO “Técnicas de robustez frente al ruido para sistemas de reconocimiento de habla en teléfonos móviles y PDAs” Procesamiento del lenguaje natural Nº 33, pp. 57-64, 2004, ISSN 1135-5948
- R. SAN SEGUNDO, J. MACÍAS GUARASA, J.M. MONTERO, J. FERREIROS, R. CÓRDOBA, J.M. PARDO “Medidas de confianza en sistemas de diálogo” Procesamiento del lenguaje natural Nº 33, pp. 95-102, 2004, ISSN 1135-5948
- R. CORDOBA, F. FERNANDEZ, V. SAMA, L.F. D’HARO, R. SAN SEGUNDO, J.M. MONTERO, J. MACIAS, J. FERREIROS, J.M. PARDO “Realización de sistemas de diálogo en una plataforma compatible con VoiceXML: Proyecto GEMINI” Procesamiento del lenguaje natural Nº 33, pp. 103-110, 2004, ISSN 1135-5948
- L.F. D’HARO, R. CÓRDOBA, I. IBARZ, R. SAN SEGUNDO, J.M. MONTERO, J. MACÍAS, J. FERREIROS, J.M. PARDO “Plataforma de generación semiautomática de sistemas de diálogo multimodales y multilingües: Proyecto GEMINI” Procesamiento del lenguaje natural Nº 33, pp. 119-126, 2004, ISSN 1135-5948
- J.M. PARDO, “Tecnología del Habla: Debate sobre retos pendientes y perspectivas”, Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural, 32, pp 37-41, 2004, ISSN 1135-5948.
- J.M. PARDO, “Towards a Roadmap for Speech Technology”, Elsnews Vol 12.4, pp 1-3, 2003, ISSN 1350-990X
- F. FERNÁNDEZ MARTÍNEZ, V. SAMA ROJO, J. FERREIROS LOPEZ, J. MACÍAS-GUARASA, R. DE CORDOBA, J.M. MONTERO MARTINEZ, J. COLAS PASAMONTES, E. CAMPOS PALAREA, J.M. PARDO MUÑOZ “Demostración del sistema de comprensión de comunicaciones habladas para control de tráfico aéreo del proyecto INVOCA” Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural, N 31, pp 337-338, ISSN 1135-5948, 2003.
- V. SAMA ROJO, F. FERNÁNDEZ MARTÍNEZ, J. FERREIROS LOPEZ, J. MACÍAS-GUARASA, R. DE CORDOBA, J.M. MONTERO MARTINEZ, J. COLAS PASAMONTES, E. CAMPOS PALAREA, J.M. PARDO MUÑOZ “Sistema de comprensión de comunicaciones habladas para el control de tráfico aéreo del proyecto INVOCA”, Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural, N 31, pp 313-314, ISSN 1135-5948, 2003.
- J. MACIAS-GUARASA, J. FERREIROS, R. DE CORDOBA, J.M. MONTERO, J.D. ROMERAL, J.M. PARDO “Estrategias de generación y reducción de variantes de pronunciación en sistemas de reconocimiento automático de habla: consideraciones arquitecturales”, Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural, N 31, pp 91-98, ISSN 1135-5948, 2003.
- J. MACIAS, J. FERREIROS, J.M. PARDO “Hacia la predicción de rendimiento en sistemas de reconocimiento de habla”, Revista Electrónica de la Red Temática en Tecnologías del Habla (Electronic Journal of the Thematic Network on Speech Technologies), ISSN 1695-9914. No. 1, paper #1. March 2003
- R. SAN SEGUNDO, J. COLAS, R. DE CORDOBA, J.M. PARDO, “Spanish recognizer of continuously spelled names over the telephone” Speech Communication Vol. 38, pp. 287-303, ISSN 0167-6393, Elsevier, November 2002.
- R. CÓRDOBA, J.M. MONTERO, J.M. GUTIERREZ, JOSË A. VALLEJO, EMILIA ENRÏQUEZ, JOSË M. PARDO, “Selection of the most significant parameters for duration modelling in a Spanish text-to-speech system using neural networks”, Computer Speech and Language, (2002), 16, 183-203.
- J. COLAS, J. FERREIROS, J.M. PARDO, “Reconocimiento del habla: Interfases de usuario inteligentes” Investigación y Ciencia, nº 305 pp 36-37 , ISSN 0210136X, Barcelona, febrero 2002.
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- J.M. PARDO, S.AGUILERA, M.H.SAVOJI, “Talking computers”, IEE Review, July 1994, pp 163-165
- J.M. PARDO “Marché Espagnol: Une recherche-developpement tonique dans l’attente d’opérateurs solvables” La tribune des industries de la langue, n 13-14, 1993, pp 20-24
- S. AGUILERA, J.M. PARDO, E.MUÑOZ, “El visualizador del habla VISHA”, Revista Minusval, INSERSO, m. 83 p 35-36 Marzo-Abril 1993
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- S. AGUILERA, A. BORRAJO, J.M. PARDO, E. MUÑOZ “Obtención‑Visualización de Algunos Parámetros del Habla. Enseñanza del Lenguaje a Deficientes Auditivos” Mundo Electrónico, vol. 144, 89‑93 (1984)
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- J.M. PARDO, S. AGUILERA, A. BORRAJO, E. MUÑOZ “La Electrónica y la Informática pueden Ayudar en la Educación de sordos” Promoción y Asistencia a Sordos, Vol. 97, 6‑10 (1983)
- J.M. PARDO, R. MARTINEZ, F.J. BELAZA “Helping Deaf Children to Speak: The Use of the Computer” Revue H. F. Tijdschrift, Vol. XI, 11, 381‑385 (1981)
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