- F. FERNÁNDEZ-MARTÍNEZ, Z. CALLEJAS, R. KLEINLEIN, C. LUNA JIMÉNEZ, J. M. MONTERO, J. M. PARDO, “Project CAVIAR. CApturing VIewers’ Affective Response (Inferencia de la respuesta afectiva de los espectadores de un vídeo)”. xxxv Congreso de la Sociedad Española Para el Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural, SEPLN2019, 24-27 septiembre 2019
- B. MARTÍNEZ-GONZÁLEZ, J.M. PARDO, R. SAN-SEGUNDO, J.M. MONTERO, “Influence of Transition Cost in the Segmentation Stage of Speaker Diarization”. Odyssey 2016, June 21-24, pp 385-392, 2016, Bilbao, Spain. ISSN: 2312-2846
- L. F. D’HARO, R. DE CÓRDOBA, M. A. CARABALLO, J. M. PARDO, “Low-Resource Language Recognition using a Fusion of Phoneme Posteriorgram Counts, Acoustic and Glottal-based I-Vectors”, Proc. of IEEE Int. Conf. on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing ICASSP 2013, Vancouver, Canada. May 26-31, 2013
- V. LÓPEZ-LUDEÑA, R. SAN-SEGUNDO, J. FERREIROS, J.M. PARDO, E. FERREIRO “Developing an Information System for Deaf”, Interspeech 2013. ISSN 2308-457X. Lyon France, 25-29 August 2013
- B. MARTÍNEZ-GONZÁLEZ, J.M. PARDO, J.D.ECHEVERRY-CORREA, J.A. VALLEJO-PINTO, R. BARRA-CHICOTE, “Selection of TDOA Parameters for MDM Speaker Diarization”, InterSpeech 2012, 13th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association. Portland, Oregon. September 9-13, 2012
- M.A. CARABALLO, L.F. D’HARO, R. DE CÓRDOBA, R. SAN-SEGUNDO, J.M. PARDO, “Language Identification based on a Discriminative Text Categorization Technique”, IberSPEECH 2012 – VII Jornadas en Tecnología del Habla and III Iberian SLTech Workshop, ISBN: 84-616-1535-2, pp. 83-92
- V. LÓPEZ-LUDEÑA, R. SAN-SEGUNDO, C. GONZÁLEZ, J.C. LÓPEZ, J.M. PARDO, “Methodology for developing a Speech into Sign Language Translation System in a New Semantic Domain”, IberSPEECH 2012 – VII Jornadas en Tecnología del Habla and III Iberian SLTech Workshop, ISBN: 84-616-1535-2, pp. 193-203
- V. LÓPEZ-LUDEÑA, R. SAN-SEGUNDO, R. DE CÓRDOBA, J. FERREIROS, J.M. MONTERO, J.M. PARDO, “Factored Translation Models for improving a Speech into Sign Language Translation System”, in proceedings of the 12th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association INTERSPEECH 2011, Florence, Italy, ISSN 1990-9772, 27-31 August 2011.
- R. SAN-SEGUNDO, V. LÓPEZ, R. MARTÍN, S. LUTFI, J. FERREIROS, R. CÓRDOBA, J.M. PARDO “Advanced Speech Communication System for Deaf People”, Proceedings of Interspeech, pp. 250-253, ISSN 1990-9772, 26-30 September 2010, Makuhari, Chiba, Japan 2010,
- F. FERNÁNDEZ, J. FERREIROS, R. CORDOBA, J.M. MONTERO, R. SAN SEGUNDO, J.M. PARDO “A Bayesian Networks Approach for Dialog Modeling: The Fusion BN” Proceedings of the ICASSP 2009 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, 19-24 April 2009, Taipei, Taiwan
- R. BARRA-CHICOTE, F. FERNÁNDEZ, S. LUTFI, J.M. LUCAS-CUESTA, J. MACIAS-GUARASA, J.M. MONTERO, R. SAN-SEGUNDO, J.M. PARDO “Acoustic Emotion Recognition using Dynamic Bayesian Networks and Multi-Space Distributions” in Proceedings of 10th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, Interspeech 2009, pp 336-339. 6-10 September, Brighton UK. ISSN 1990-9772
- L. F. D’HARO, R. CORDOBA, R. SAN-SEGUNDO, J. MACIAS-GUARASA, J. M. PARDO “Strategies for Accelerating the Design of Dialogue Applications using Heuristic Information from the Backend Database” in Proceedings of 10th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, Interspeech 2009, pp 280-283. 6-10 September, Brighton UK. ISSN 1990-9772.
- R. BARRA-CHICOTE, J.M. MONTERO, J. MACIAS-GUARASA, S. LUTFI, J.M. LUCAS, F. FERNÁNDEZ, L.F. D’HARO, R. SAN-SEGUNDO, J. FERREIROS, R. DE CÓRDOBA, J.M. PARDO, “Spanish Expressive Voices: corpus for emotion research in Spanish” In proceedings of the 6th conference of Language Resources & Evaluation (Workshop on Corpora for Research on Emotion and Affect). pp 60-70. Marrakech, Morocco. 2008. ISBN 2-9517408-4-0.
- X. ANGUERA, C. WOOTERS, J.M. PARDO, J. HERNANDO, “Automatic Weighting for the Combination of TDOA and Acoustic Features in Speaker Diarization for Meetings” International Conference on Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing, IEEE ICASSP 2007, pp. 241-244, April 2007.
- R. BARRA, J.M. MONTERO, J. MACIAS-GUARASA, J. GUTI´ERREZ-ARRIOLA, J. FERREIROS, J.M. PARDO, “On the limitations of voice conversion techniques in emotion identification tasks”, Interspeech 2007, pp 2233-2236, September 2007, ISSN 1990-9772.
- J. M. PARDO, X. ANGUERA, C. WOOTERS, “Speaker Diarization for Multiple Distant Microphone Meetings: Mixing Acoustic Features And Inter-Channel Time Differences, Interspeech 2006 :ICSLP, pp 2194-2197, 17-21 September 2006.
- X. ANGUERA, C. WOOTERS, J.M. PARDO, Robust Speaker Diarization for Meetings: ICSI RT06s evaluation system, Interspeech 2006 : ICSLP, pp 1674-1677, 17-21 September 2006.
- S.W. HAMERICH, R. DE CÓRDOBA, V. SCHLESS, L.F. D’HARO, B. KLADIS, V. SCHUBERT, O. KOCSIS, S. IGEL, J.M. PARDO “The GEMINI platform: semi-automatic generation of dialogue applications” ICSLP 2004, pp. IV-2629-2632, ISSN:1225-441x
- R. SAN SEGUNDO, J.M. MONTERO, J. MACIAS GUARASA, R. CORDOBA, J. FERREIROS, J.M. PARDO “Generating Gestures from Speech” ICSLP 2004, pp. III-1817-1820, ISSN:1225-441x
- L.F. D’HARO, R. DE CORDOBA, R. SAN SEGUNDO, J.M. MONTERO, J. MACIAS GUARASA, J.M. PARDO “Strategies to reduce design time in Multimodal/Multilingual dialogue applications” ICSLP 2004, pp. IV-3057-3060, ISSN:1225-441x
- R. DE CÓRDOBA, L.F. D’HARO, F. FERNÁNDEZ, V. SAMA, J.M. MONTERO, R. SAN-SEGUNDO, J. MACÍAS-GUARASA, J. FERREIROS, J.M. PARDO “Proyecto GEMINI: Plataforma avanzada de generación y ejecución de aplicaciones de diálogo hombre-máquina” XIV Jornadas TELECOM I+D, Madrid 23-25 noviembre 2004.
- J. GUTIERREZ-ARRIOLA, J.M. MONTERO, R. DE CORDOBA, J.M. PARDO “¿Podemos imitar la voz de una persona? Técnicas de conversión de hablante”, Actas del II Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Acústica Forense (SEAF). Barcelona pp. 35-46. Abril 2003.
- J.M. MONTERO, L.F. D’HARO, R. DE CORDOBA, J.A. VALLEJO, J. GUTIERREZ-ARRIOLA, J.M. PARDO “ANN F0 Modelling for Female-Voice Synthesis in Spanish: restricted and non-restricted domains” Proceedings of the XVth International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, pp. 563-566, ISBN: 1-876346-48-5. Agosto de 2003, Barcelona.
- GALLARDO ANTOLÍN, J. MACÍAS-GUARASA, J. FERREIROS, R. CORDOBA, J.M. MONTERO MARTÍNEZ, R. SAN-SEGUNDO, J.M. PARDO “A comparison of several approaches to the feature extractor design for ASR tasks in telephone environment”, proceedings of the XVth International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, pp. 1345-1348, ISBN: 1-876346-48-5, Barcelona, Agosto 2003
- R. DE CORDOBA, G. PRIME, J. MACIAS-GUARASA, J.M. MONTERO, J. FERREIROS, J.M. PARDO “PPLRM Optimization for Language Identification in Air Traffic Control Tasks”, Proceedings of Eurospeech’2003, pp. 2685-2688, ISSN: 1018-4074, Ginebra, septiembre 2003.
- J.M. GUTIÉRREZ-ARRIOLA, J.M. MONTERO, R.CÓRDOBA, J.M. PARDO, “Análisis of Parametre Importance in Speaker Identity” ITRW on Voice Quality: Functions, Analysis and Synthesis (VoQual), Ginebra 2003, pp 103-106, ISSN: 1680-8908.A
- R. CORDOBA, L.F. D´HARO, J.M.MONTERO, J.FERREIROS, J.MACIAS_GUARASA, J. D. ROMERAL, J.M. PARDO, “Generación semiautomática de aplicaciones de diálogo multimodales: Proyecto GEMINI”, XIII Jornadas Telecom I+D (XIII Meeting Telecom I+D), Madrid, November 2003.
- J.M. PARDO “Nuevas perspectivas del reconocimiento de voz en radiología: Aplicación del reconocimiento de voz a la escritura de informes radiológicos” Gestión Radiológica en la Sociedad de la Información, Comisión Científica de la Sociedad Española de Radiología y Grupo de Bioingeniería de la UPM, pp 77-81, Madrid, febrero 2002
- R. CÓRDOBA, J. MACIAS-GUARASA, J. FERREIROS, J.M. MONTERO, J.M. PARDO, “State clustering improvements for continuous HMMs in a Spanish large vocabulary recognition system”, Proc. ICSLP – 2002, vol. 1, 677-680, ISBN 1-876346-41-8, Denver, Colorado, USA, 16-20 September 2002.
- R. TATO, R. SANTOS, R. KOMPE, J.M. PARDO, “Emotional space improves emotion recognition”, Proc. ICSLP – 2002, vol. 3, 2029-2032, ISBN 1-876346-43-4, Denver, Colorado, USA, 16-20 September 2002.
- R. CORDOBA, J.M. MONTERO, J.M. PARDO, “Application of neural networks to duration modeling in a Spanish text-to-speech system”, in “Advances in Systems Engineering, Signal Processing and Communications N. Mastorakis ed, Wseas Press, 2002, ISBN 960-8052-69-6
- R. SANSEGUNDO, J.M. MONTERO, J. FERREIROS, R. CORDOBA, J.M. PARDO. “Designing Confirmation Mechanisms and Error Recover Techniques in a Railway Information System for Spanish” Proceedings of the 2nd SIGdial Workshop on Discourse and Dialogue. Pp: 136-139. Aalborg, Denmark. 1-2 September 2001
- R. SANSEGUNDO, J.M. MONTERO, J.M. GUTIERREZ, A. GALLARDO, J.D. ROMERAL, J.M. PARDO.“A Telephone-Based Railway Information System for Spanish: Development of a Methodology for Spoken Dialogue Design” Proceedings of the 2nd SIGdial Workshop on Discourse and Dialogue. Pp: 140-148. Aalborg, Denmark. 1-2 September 2001
- R. SAN SEGUNDO, B. PELLOM, KADRI HACIOGLU, WAYNE WARD, J.M. PARDO “Confidence Measures for Spoken Dialogue Systems”, Proc IEEE ICASSP, pp 393-396, Salt Lake City, 2001, ISBN 0-7803-7041-4
- R. CORDOBA, J. M.MONTERO, J. GUTIERREZ-ARRIOLA, J.M. PARDO, “Duration Modeling in a Restricted-Domain Female-Voice Synthesis in Spanish Using Neural Networks, Proc IEEE ICASSP, pp 793-796, Salt Lake City, 2001, ISBN 0-7803-7041-4
- J.M. GUTIERREZ-ARRIOLA, J.M.MONTERO, D.SAIZ, J.M. PARDO, “New Rule-Based and Data-Driven Strategy to Incorporate Fujisaki´s F0 Model to a Text-To-Speech System in Castillian Spanish, Proc IEEE ICASSP, pp 821-824, Salt Lake City, 2001, ISBN 0-7803-7041-4
- J.M. GUTIERREZ-ARRIOLA, J.M. MONTERO, J.A. VALLEJO, R. CORDOBA, R. SAN-SEGUNDO, J.M. PARDO, ” A New Multi-speaker Formant Synthesizer that Applies Voice Conversion Techniques, Proc. Eurospeech 2001, pp 357-360, ISBN 87-90834-09-7, Denmark 2001.
- R.CORDOBA, R. SAN-SEGUNDO, J.M. MONTERO, J.COLAS, J. FERREIROS, J. MACIAS-GUARASA, J.M. PARDO, “An Interactive Directory Assistance Service for Spanish with Large-Vocabulary Recognition, Eurospeech 2001, pp 1279-1282, ISBN 87-90834-09-7, Denmark 2001.
- R. SAN-SEGUNDO, J.M.MONTERO, J. COLAS, J.M. GUTIERREZ-ARRIOLA, J.M. RAMOS, J.M. PARDO, “Methodology fro Dialogue Design in Telephone-Based Spoken Dialogue Systems: A Spanish Train Information System”, Eurospeech 2001, pp 2165-2168, ISBN 87-90834-09-7, Denmark 2001.
- R. SAN-SEGUNDO, J. MACIAS-GUARASA, J. FERREIROS, P.MARTIN, J.M. PARDO, ” Detection of Recognition Errors and Out of the Spelling Dictionary Names in a Spelled Name Recognizer for Spanish” Eurospeech 2001, pp 2553-2556 , ISBN 87-90834-09-7, Denmark 2001.
- J. COLÁS, M.H.SAVOJI, J.M. PARDO, “Speaker –Independent Connected-digit Recognition using an Unconstrained Level Building (ULB) Algorithm and Skipping Inter-word Silences, International Simposium on Telecommunication, IST 2001, September 1-3 2001, Tehran, Iran.
- R. SAN SEGUNDO, J.M. MONTERO, J. FERREIROS, J. MACIAS-GUARASA, J.M. PARDO, “Sistema de información ferroviaria por teléfono: propuesta de una metodología de diseño de gestores de diálogo” Proceedings SLPLT2) Segundo taller internacional de procesamiento computacional del español y tecnologías del lenguaje, pp. 241-245, 14-15 Septiembre 2001.
- G. LEHTINEN, S. SAFRA, M. GAUGER, J.-L. COCHARD, B. KASPAR, M.HENNECKE, J.M. PARDO, R. CÓRDOBA, R. SAN-SEGUNDO, A.TSOPANOGLOU, D. LOULOUDIS, M.MANTAKAS, IDAS : Interactive Directory Assistance Service. VOTS-2000 Workshop. Belgium. Mayo 2000
- J. A. RUBIO GARCÍA , J.M. PARDO, R. DE CÓRDOBA HERRALDE, J. MACÍAS GUARASA “Experimentos preliminares de verificación de locutores con una base de datos realista”, Libro de Actas, I Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Acústica Forense, ISBN 84-699-3305-1, pp: 193-196, Madrid 2000
- J. M. MONTERO, R. CORDOBA, J. A. VALLEJO, J. GUTIERREZ-ARRIOLA, E. ENRIQUEZ, J.M. PARDO “Restricted-Domain Female- Voice Synthesis in Spanish: From Database Design to ANN Prosodic Modeling” Proceedings of 6th International Conference on Spoken Language Processing, ICSLP’00, vol. I pp: 621-624, China, 2000, ISBN: 7-80150-114-4/G.18
- J. MACIAS-GUARASA, J. FERREIROS, J. COLAS, A. GALLARDO-ANTOLIN, J.M. PARDO “Improved Variable Preselection List Length Estimation Using NNs in a Large Vocabulary Telephone Speech Recognition System” Proceedings of 6th International Conference on Spoken Language Processing, ICSLP’00, vol. II pp: 823-826, China, 2000, ISBN: 7-80150-114-4/G.18
- GALLARDO-ANTOLIN, J. FERREIROS, J. MACIAS-GUARASA, R. DE CORDOBA, J.M. PARDO, “Incorporating Multiple-HMM Acoustic Modeling in a Modular Large Vocabulary Speech Recognition System in Telephone Environment” Proceedings of 6th International Conference on Spoken Language Processing, ICSLP’00, vol. II pp: 827-830, China, 2000, ISBN: 7-80150-114-4/G.18
- R. SAN-SEGUNDO, J. COLAS, J. FERREIROS, J. MACIAS-GUARASA, J.M. PARDO “Spanish Recogniser of Continuously Spelled Names Over the Telephone” Proceedings of 6th International Conference on Spoken Language Processing, ICSLP’00, vol. II pp: 863-866, China, 2000, ISBN: 7-80150-114-4/G.18
- J. MACIAS-GUARASA, J. FERREIROS, R. SAN-SEGUNDO, J. M. MONTERO, J.M. PARDO “Acoustical and Lexical Based Confidence Measures for a Very Large Vocabulary Telephone Speech Hypothesis-Verification System” Proceedings of 6th International Conference on Spoken Language Processing, ICSLP’00, vol. IV pp: 496-499, China, 2000, ISBN: 7-80150-114-4/G.18
- R. SAN-SEGUNDO, J.M. MONTERO, J. COLAS, J. FERREIROS, R. DE CÓRDOBA, A. GALLARDO, J. MACIAS-GUARASA, J.M. GUTIERREZ, J. PASTOR, J.M. PARDO “Entorno para el desarrollo de aplicaciones multimedia con síntesis y reconocimiento de voz”. X Jornadas TELECOM I+D Barcelona-Madrid, Noviembre 2000.
- R. CÓRDOBA, R. SAN-SEGUNDO, J. COLÁS, J.M. MONTERO, J. FERREIROS, J. MACÍAS-GUARASA, A. GALLARDO, J.M. GUTIÉRREZ, J.M. PARDO “Optimización de un servicio automático de paginas blancas por teléfono: proyecto IDAS” X Jornadas TELECOM I+D. Barcelona-Madrid, Noviembre 2000.
- J. FERREIROS LÓPEZ, JOSÉ COLÁS PASAMONTES, JAVIER MACÍAS GUARASA, RICARDO DE CÓRDOBA HERRALDE, J.M. PARDO “Control de un equipo de alta fidelidad usando frases habladas de manera natural”, Actas del Congreso Iberoamericano IBERDISCAP 2000, R. Ceres Ed., pp 187-190,Madrid Octubre 2000.
- R. SAN SEGUNDO, B. PELLOM, W.WARD, J.M. PARDO, “Confidence Measures for Dialogue Management in the CU Communicator System, Proc. IEEE ICASSP, Istanbul, 2000, ISBN 0-7803-6296
- R. CORDOBA, J.A.VALLEJO, J.M.MONTERO, J. GUTIERREZ-ARRIOLA, M.A.LOPEZ, J.M. PARDO “Automatic Modeling of Duration in a Spanish Text-to-Speech System Using Neural Networks” Proc. Eurospeech 99, pp 1619-1622, ISSN 1018-4074, Budapest 1999
- J.M. MONTERO, J. GUTIERREZ-ARRIOLA, J. COLAS, J. MACIAS-GUARASA, E. ENRIQUEZ, J.M. PARDO “Development of an Emotional Speech Synthesiser in Spanish”, Proc. Eurospeech 99, pp 2099-2102, ISSN 1018-4074, Budapest 1999
- J.MACIAS-GUARASA, J.FERREIROS, A. GALLARDO, R. SAN-SEGUNDO, J.M. PARDO, L.VILLARRUBIA, “Variable Preselection List Length Estimation Using Neural Networks in a Telephone Speech Hypothesis-Verification System” Proc. Eurospeech 99, pp 295-298, ISSN 1018-4074, Budapest 1999
- MONTERO J.M., J. GUTIÉRREZ-ARRIOLA, J. COLÁS, E. ENRÍQUEZ, J.M. PARDO “Analysis and Modelling of Emotional Speech in Spanish” XIVth International Congress of Phonetic Sciences Volumen II, 957-960, San Francisco. Agosto (1999)
- R. SAN-SEGUNDO, J. COLÁS, J.M. MONTERO, R. CÓRDOBA, J. FERREIROS. J. MACÍAS-GUARASA, A. GALLARDO, J.M. GUTIÉRREZ, J. PASTOR AND J.M. PARDO. “Servidores Vocales Interactivos: Desarrollo de un servicio de páginas blancas por teléfono con reconocimiento de voz (Proyecto IDAS: Inteactive telephone-based Directory Assistance Service)” IX Jornadas Telecom I+D (IX Meeting Telecom I+D). ISBN 84-7653-730-1. Barcelona-Madrid (Spain). November 1999. This paper was presented in an oral session by R. San-Segundo and has been awarded with the prize “Best Paper in Multimedia Technology and Applications”, during this congress.
- J.FERREIROS, J.COLAS, J.MACIAS-GUARASA, A.RUIZ, J.M. PARDO “Controlling a HIFI with a Continuous Speech Understanding System” Proceedings of 5th International Conference on Spoken Language Processing, ICSLP98, Australia, 1998, ISBN 1-876346-17-5
- J.M. MONTERO, J. GUTIERREZ-ARRIOLA, E. ENRIQUEZ, J.M. PARDO “Spanish Emotional Speech: towards concatenative synthesis”, COST 258 Workshop on Speech Synthesis Improvements in Prosody and Signal Generation, noviembre 1998.
- J.FERREIROS, J.MACIAS-GUARASA, J.M. PARDO, L. VILLARRUBIA, “Introducing Multiple Pronunciations in Spanish Speech Recognition Systems” Workshop Modeling Pronunciation Variation, pp 29-34, Rolduc, The Netherlands, 1998
- J.FERREIROS, J.MACIAS-GUARASA, A.GALLARDO, J.COLAS, R.DE CORDOBA, J.M. PARDO, L.VILLARRUBIA, “Recent Work on a Preselection Module for a Flexible large Vocabulary Speech Recognition System in Telephone Environment” Proceedings of 5th International Conference on Spoken Language Processing, ICSLP98, Australia, 1998, ISBN 1-876346-17-5
- J.M.MONTERO, J.GUTIERREZ-ARRIOLA, S.PALAZUELOS, E.ENRIQUEZ, S.AGUILERA, J.M. PARDO “Emotional Speech Synthesis: From Speech Database to TTS” Proceedings of 5th International Conference on Spoken Language Processing, ICSLP98, Australia, 1998, ISBN 1-876346-17-5
- J.M.GUTIERREZ-ARRIOLA, Y.S.HSIAO, J.M.MONTERO, J.M. PARDO, D.F.CHILDERS “Voice Conversion Based on Parameter Transformation” Proceedings of 5th International Conference on Spoken Language Processing, ICSLP98, Australia, 1998, ISBN 1-876346-17-5
- F.J.VALVERDE-ALBACETE, J.M. PARDO “A Hierarchical Language Model for CSR” Proceedings of 5th International Conference on Spoken Language Processing, ICSLP98, Australia, 1998, ISBN 1-876346-17-5
- J.COLAS, J.FERREIROS, J.M.MONTERO, J.PASTOR, A.GALLARDO, J.M. PARDO “On the Limitations of Stochastic Conceptual Finite-State Language Models for Speech Understanding” Proceedings of 5th International Conference on Spoken Language Processing, ICSLP98, Australia, 1998, ISBN 1-876346-17-5
- J.PASTOR, J.COLAS, R.SAN-SEGUNDO, J.M. PARDO “An Asymetric Stochastic Language Model Based on Multi-Tagged Words” Proceedings of 5th International Conference on Spoken Language Processing, ICSLP98, Australia, 1998, ISBN 1-876346-17-5
- J.M. GUTIERREZ ARRIOLA, F.M. GIMENEZ DE LOS GALANES, M.H. SAVOJI, J.M. PARDO, “Speech Synthesis and Prosody Modification using segmentation and Modeling of the Excitation Signal”, Proc. Eurospeech 97, pp 1059-1062, Greece 1997, ISSN 1018-4074
- J. COLAS, J.M. MONTERO, J. FERREIROS, J.M. PARDO, “An alternative and flexible approach in robust information retrieval systems”, Proc. Eurospeech 97, pp 2683-2686, Greece 1997, ISSN 1018-4074
- J.MACIAS-GUARASA, A. GALLARDO, J.FERREIROS, J.M. PARDO, L. VILLARRUBIA, “Initial Evaluation of a Preselection Module for a Flexible Large Vocabulary Speech Recognition System in Telephone Environment”, Proceedings of 4th International Conference on Spoken Language Processing, ICSLP96, H.T.Bunnell, W. Idsardi (eds), pp 30-33, USA 1996.
- F.J. VALVERDE-ALBACETE, J.M. PARDO, “A Multi-level Lexical-semantics Based Language Model Design for Guided Integrated Continous Speech Recognition”, Proceedings of 4th International Conference on Spoken Language Processing, ICSLP96, H.T.Bunnell, W. Idsardi (eds), pp 224-227, USA 1996
- R. de CORDOBA, J.M. PARDO, “Different Strategies for Distribution Clustering Using Discrete, Semicontinuous and Continuous HMM in CSR”, Proceedings of 4th International Conference on Spoken Language Processing, ICSLP96, H.T.Bunnell, W. Idsardi (eds), pp 1101-1104, USA, 1996.
- M.A. LEANDRO, J.M. PARDO, “Anchor Point Detection for Continuous Speech Recognition in Spanish: The Spotting of Phonetic Events, Proceedings of 4th International Conference on Spoken Language Processing, ICSLP96, H.T.Bunnell, W. Idsardi (eds), pp 2336- 2339, USA 1996.
- F.M. GIMÉNEZ DE LOS GALANES, M. SAVOJI, J.M. PARDO, “Speech Synthesis System Based on a Variable Decimation/Interpolation Factor”, Proc IEEE ICASSP, pp.636.639, Detroit May 1995, ISBN 0-7803-2431-5.
- J.M. PARDO; F.M.GIMÉNEZ-DE-LOS-GALANES;J.A. VALLEJO; M.A. BERROJO; J.M. MONTERO; E. ENRÍQUEZ; A.ROMERO: “Spanish Text-to-Speech, from Prosody to Acoustics”, Proceedings of International Congress on Acoustics, pp.133-136, Trondheim, 1995, ISBN 82-595-8995-8.
- M.A. LEANDRO, A. VILLEGAS, J.M. PARDO “Efficient Isolated Word Recognition in Spanish Based on Static Modeling”, Proceedings of Eurospeech’95, pp.71-74, Madrid 18-21 Septiembre 1995, ISSN 1018-4074.
- A.C. MORRIS, J.M. PARDO “Phoneme Transition Detection and Broad Classification Ussing a Simple Model Based on the Function of Onset Detector Cells Found in the Cochlear Nucleus”, Proceedings of Eurospeech’95, pp.115-118,ISSN 1018-4074 Madrid 18-21 Septiembre 1995.
- J. FERREIROS, J.M. PARDO “Preliminary Experimentation of Different Methods for Continuous Speech Recognition in Spanish”, Proceedings of Eurospeech’95, pp.1507-1510, Madrid 18-21 September 1995,ISSN 1018-4074.
- R. de CORDOBA, X. MENENDEZ-PIDAL, J. MACIAS-GUARASA, A. GALLARDO, J.M. PARDO “Development and Improvement of a Real-Time ASR System for Isolated Digits in Spanish Over the Telephone Line”, Proceedings of Eurospeech’95, pp.1537-1540, Madrid 18-21 September 1995, ISSN 1018-4074.
- X. MENENDEZ PIDAL, R. de CORDOBA, J. FERREIROS, J.M. PARDO “Incorporating Fuzzy Modelling in a Hybrid HMM-ANNs System for CSR Tasks”, Proceedings of Eurospeech’95, pp.1689-1692, Madrid 18-21 September 1995, ISSN 1018-4074.
- F.M. GIMENEZ DE LOS GALANES, M.H. SAVOJI, J.M. PARDO, “New algorithm for spectral smoothing and envelope modification for LP-PSOLA Synthesis”, Proc. IEEE ICASSP, 1994, ISBN 0-7803-1775-0.
- X. MENENDEZ-PIDAL, J. MACIAS-GUARASA, M.A.LEANDRO, J.A.VALLEJO, J.M. PARDO, “Experiments with Neural Networks in Isolated Word Recognition Tasks”, in Signal Processing VII: Theories and Applications, M. Holt, C. Cowan, P.Grant, W.Sandham (Eds), European Association for Signal Processing 1994 pp. 103-106
- J. MACIAS-GUARASA, M.A.LEANDRO, J.COLAS, A.VILLEGAS, S. AGUILERA, J.M. PARDO “On the development of a dictation machine for Spanish: Divo”, Proc. 1994 International Conference on Spoken Language Processing pp 1343-1346.
- X.MENENDEZ-PIDAL, J.FERREIROS, R de CORDOBA, J.M. PARDO, “Recent work in Hybrid neural networks and HMM systems in CSR Tasks” Proc. 1994 International Conference on Spoken Language Processing pp 1515-1518
- J. MACIAS-GUARASA, M.A.LEANDRO, X.MENENDEZ-PIDAL, J COLAS, A.GALLARDO, J.M. PARDO, S. AGUILERA, “Comparison of three approaches to phonetic string generation for large vocabulary speech recognition”.Proc. 1994 International Conference on Spoken Language Processing pp 2211-2214.
- J.M. PARDO, “Análisis y Síntesis de la Señal Acústica”, Actas del Congreso de la Lengua Española, celebrado en Sevilla 1992, Instituto de Cervantes (ed.) Madrid 1994, ISBN 84-88252-04-8.
- ROMERO-CORTES, F.J.VALVERDE-ALBACETE, J.M. PARDO, E.V.ENRIQUEZ, “Addressing Transcription Problems Origined in Long-Term Coexistence between Spanish and the Rest of the Languages in Spain, Onomastica Research Colloquium, pp 94-100, London 1994
- M.LEANDRO, J.M. PARDO, “Low Cost Isolated Word Speaker Dependent Speech Preselection System Using Static Phoneme Pattern Recognition”, Proc. Eurospeech 1993, Ed. Catalyst Consult, Berlin 1993.
- J.M. PARDO, J.FERREIROS, R de CORDOBA, J.COLAS, M.LEANDRO, X.MENENDEZ-PIDAL “Reconocimiento de habla continua” Conferencia Lengua y Tecnología 2000, Madrid, Octubre 1993
- R. de CORDOBA, J.M. PARDO, J. COLAS, “Improving and optimizing speaker independent 1000 words speech recognition in Spanish”, Proc. of International Conference on Spoken Language Processing ICSLP 92, pp 161‑164,ISBN 0-88864-806-5
- S. CIFUENTES, J. COLAS, M. SAVOJI, J.M. PARDO, “A new algorithm for connected digit recognition” ,Proc. of Int. Conference on Spoken Language Processing ICSLP 92, pp 1499‑1502, ISBN 0-88864-806-5
- J. FERREIROS, A.CASTRO, J.M. PARDO, “Comparison between two different approaches in speaker‑independent isolated digit recognition”, Proc of Eurospeech 91, Genova September 1991 pp 999‑1002
- J.M. PARDO, “Reconocimiento de vocabularios muy grandes en español, “Simposio de la Lengua Española, Ciencia y Tecnología, Barcelona 1991
- CASACUBERTA,F.;GARCIA,R.;LLISTERRI,J.;NADEU,C.; J.M. PARDO. and RUBIO,A.: “Development of Spanish corpora for Speech Research (ALBAYZIN)”, International workshop on speech data bases and standardization, Chiavari, 1991.
- H. HASAN, J.M. PARDO, S. ALEXANDRES, C. CASADO “Phonetic properties of a large Spanish lexicon and its implications for large vocabulary speech recognition” Proc. IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, 1989, pags 342‑344, Library of Congress N. 84-645139
- P.J. MORENO, M.MARTINEZ, J.M. PARDO, J.A VALLEJO “Improving naturalness in a text to speech system with a new fundamental frequency algorithm” Proc Eurospeech 1989, Ed CEP Consultants Ltd, Vol I, pp 360‑363
- J.M. PARDO, H. HASAN “Large vocabulary, speaker independent isolated word speech recognition using Hidden Markov Models” Proc. Eurospeech 1989, Ed CEP Consultants Ltd Vol II pp 146‑149
- J.M. PARDO, “Conversión texto‑habla para distintas lenguas: Estado del arte y perspectivas de futuro. Situación en España”, Jornadas de Tecnología del Habla Madrid 1989
- J.M. PARDO, M. MARTINEZ, A. QUILIS, E. MUÑOZ “Improving Text‑to Speech Conversion in Spanish: Linguistic Analysis and Prosody” Proc. European Conference on Speech Technology, Vol. 2, CEP Consultants LTD, 173‑176, Edinburgh (1987)
- E. MUÑOZ, J.M. PARDO, A. SANTOS, M. MARTINEZ “Text to Speech Systems for Spanish Applications” Proceedings of 7th European Conference on Electrotechnics: Advances Technologies and Processes in Communications and Power systems. París (1986)
- M. MARTINEZ, J.M. PARDO, A. BORRAJO, A. SANTOS, C. LOPEZ BARRIO, E. MUÑOZ, A. QUILIS “Conversión Automática Texto‑Habla y Habla‑Texto y su Relación con el Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural” Lenguajes Naturales y Lenguajes Formales I, Promociones Publicaciones Universitarias, Barcelona (1986)
- S. AGUILERA, A. BORRAJO, J.M. PARDO, E. MUÑOZ “Speech Analysis Based Devices for Diagnosis and Education on Speech and Hearing Impaired People” Proc. IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, ICASSP 86, 641‑644 (1986),Library of Congress N. 84-645139
- J.M. PARDO “On the Determination of Speech Boundaries: A Tool for Providing Anchor Time Points in Speech Recognition” Proc. IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing ICASSP 86, 2267‑2270 (1986),Library of Congress N. 84-645139
- ACERO, A. GARCIA, A. GOLDEROS, J.M. PARDO, J.A. POZAS, J. DATO, C. LOPEZ “Tools for the Efficient Study Speaker‑Independent Speech Recognition” Proc. of 2 Simposio de Electrónica das Telecomunicaçoes, M.A. Lança et al eds. 242‑245, Lisboa (1986)
- J.M. PARDO “The extraction of Acoustic/Articulatory Boundaries from the Speech Wave for Speech Recognition” MELECON 85, Vol II Digital Signal Processing. Elsevier Science. Luque et al (eds.), 131‑136 (1985)
- BORRAJO, S. AGUILERA, J.M. PARDO, E. MUÑOZ “An Efficient Pitch Extraction Method for Diagnosis and Education” MELECON 85, Vol I Bioingineering. Science Publishers. A. Luque et al. 33‑36, (1985)
- J.M. PARDO, S. AGUILERA, J. OLABE, E. MUÑOZ “Speech Learning Aid for the Deaf: Results and Design Implications” Signal Processing II Theories and Applications. 609‑612. H.W. Schussler ed. Elsevier Science. Publishers (1983)
- GOLDEROS, E. IGLESIAS, R. MARTINEZ, E. MUÑOZ, J.R. NOMBELA, J.C. OLABE, J.M. PARDO, J.M. SANTOS “Análisis, Síntesis y Reconocimiento del Español” Resúmenes de la III Reunión de Decus España, 26‑28 (1982)
- J.M. PARDO “Vocal Tract Shape Analysis for Children” Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Acoustic Speech and Signal Processing. 763‑766, IEEE (1982) Library of Congress N. 82-80125
- GOLDEROS, J.M. PARDO “Experiencias en el campo del reconocimiento del habla en Castellano” Proc. V. Congreso de Informática y Automática, 841‑846, Madrid (1982)
- J.M. PARDO, S. AGUILERA, R. MARTINEZ “Intermediate Results of the Use of a Speech Learning Aid for the Deaf and a New Speech Processing System” Proc. Portugal Workshop on Signal Processing and its Applications, B1/7/1‑B1/7/9, Portugal (1982)
- E. IGLESIAS, A. GOLDEROS, R. MARTINEZ, J.R. NOMBELA, J.M. PARDO, J.M. SANTOS, E. MUÑOZ, J.C. OLABE “Producción y Reconocimiento del habla” Proc. I Reunión Nacional Biocibernética. Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales de Madrid. 235‑247, R. Moreno Diaz Ed. (1982).
- J.M. PARDO, F.J. BELAZA, J.M. SANTOS, R.M. MARTINEZ, E. MUÑOZ “Ayuda en la Enseñanza de Deficientes Auditivos Mediante Proceso Digital de la Voz” Actas del I Simp. Nacional de Ingeniería Biomédica, 77‑80. Dpto. Publicaciones ETSIT‑UPM (1981)
- J.M. PARDO, R. MARTINEZ “Design and Evaluation of a Speech Learning Aid for the Deaf” Proc. Vigo Workshop on Signal Processing and its Applications, B 1/4/1, B 1/4/6. Dpto. Publicaciones ETSIT‑UPM (1981)
- J.M. PARDO, F.J. BELAZA, J. SANTOS, R. MARTINEZ “Proceso de Señales de Voz: Aplicación en la enseñanza del lenguaje a discapacitados” Proc. I Simp. Nacional del Comité Español de la URSI, C.S.I.C., 167‑170, Madrid (1980)
- J.M. PARDO, J.A. POZAS, A. GOLDEROS “Automatización del Control de Calidad en la Fabricación de Piezas Mecanizadas” Proc. IV Congreso de Informática y Automática. Madrid, 305‑315 (1979)