
56IA – Bachelor of Science in Industrial Electronics Engineering and Automation

Fall (September-January)


Alberto Brunete González




The Practical Internet of Things (loT) with RaspberryPi module will allow students to use a Raspberry Pi to monitor and control devices around them. The student will learn the knowledge required:

  • To use sensors and actuators to monitor rooms or areas, and to be able to control devices (turning lights on and off, controlling motors, etc.)
  • To develop programs that collect data and upload it to the cloud, using state-ofthe art communication protocols (i.e. MQTT, Restful)
  • To manage data in databases and visualize them.

In addition, the student will learn to use the Raspberry Pi: Linux-based embedded operating systems, Python programming, communication protocols, and input and output peripherals. It is important to note that the student will work with real devices. At the end of the course the student will have a working prototype for the IoT world!



Alberto Brunete González (alberto.brunete@upm.es)