CASOS DE ÉXITO, Mujeres Aymaras CMA

Towards a Responsible Investment in Agriculture (RIA) Principles: Fostering women’s empowerment in Perú

The Principles for Responsible Investment in Agriculture and Food Systems (Principles IAR) aproved by the Committee on World Food Security (CFS) in October 2014, aim to contribute to food security and nutrition and to the improvement of sustainable livelihoods for small producers, with a comprehensive, responsible and respect for the environment approach, thus, supporting the progressive realization of the right to adequate food in the context of national food security.

With the aim of making known the RIA Principles, FAO commissioned GESPLAN Research Group of the Technical University of Madrid to carry out workshops and conferences in Latin America and Spain.These workshops were developed within the model called Working With People as a new approach of Rural Development projects to planning and sustainable management.

Food workshops for Aymara Women in Peru


Workshops in Peru were carried out through the Aymaras Women Coordinator (CMA), composed of around 400 families from the Puno province, and with whom GESPLAN Group has been conducting continuous work since 2008.

In response to the identified needs, a food workshop to strengthen the skills of women – major decision makers in terms of purchase, preparation and distribution of food in families – was carried out in order to improve their knowledge, attitudes and practices in child nutrition and in feeding the whole family, promoting a balanced diet that includes all food groups, with special emphasis on those who are part of their cultural heritage, highlighting their nutritional content.

Fostering women’s empowerment

The activity carried out does not only address the contribution to food security and nutrition (first RIA principle) and the promotion of safe and healthy agriculture and food systems (eight RIA principle) but also fosters gender equality and women’s empowerment (third principle). The workshops are aimed at women, to train them and increase their knowledge on food so that they can share with other women in their community. This way innovative and proactive approaches ae adopted that enhance women’s leadership role.


Activities for further Progress

FSC encourages research organizations, universities and academia, to facilitate knowledge, exchange, and skills development, and address the innovation needed to increase smallholders’ contributions to food security and nutrition.


In response to that call GESPLAN and UCSS have organized the food workshops and other activities are planned to further progress in the implementation of RIA principles.

  1. Publication of a research paper on the efficacy of the methodology used in the demonstrative sessions to improve theoretical and practice knowledges about the prevention of anemia in women.
  2. Collection of traditional recipes with the help of the Aymara women of CMA.

Development of a folk tale to contribute to the dissemination of the RIA principles and awareness in children about the importance of good nutrition. A story based on the customs of the Aymara community and at the same time mixed with topics on food, nutrition, hygiene, sanitation, and promotion of local foods
