- Understanding the topological structure of attractors, Foliated Spaces, Tilings and Group Actions 2024 , Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, 25-27 March, 2024.
- Seminario Antonio Giraldo y Sonia Sastre (Spring 2024 meeting Friday, 12:30, Bloque 1, H-1003, ETSI Informáticos, UPM).
Selected Talks at Conferences
- Some connections between attractors and low dimensional topology, The 56th Spring Topology and Dynamical Systems Conference, Rhodes College, USA, 15-18 March, 2023 (Held Remotely).
- Cech cohomology and the region of influence of non-saddle sets, 8th European Congress of Mathematics, Portoroz, Eslovenia, 20-26 June 2021.
- Regular blocks and Conley index of isolated invariant continua in surfaces, 12th AIMS Conference on Dynamical Systems, Differential Equations and Applications, Taipei, Taiwan, 5-9 July 2018.
- Género, índice geométrico y el problema de realización de atractores en R^3, V Congreso de Jóvenes Investigadores RSME, Castellón, 27-31 Enero 2020.
Selected Talks at Seminars
- The realization problem of homeomorphisms in R^3 for toroidal sets, Dynamical Systems Seminar, Institute of Mathematics of the Jagiellonian University, Krakow, 2021.
- The geometric index and attractors of homeomorphisms of R^3, Online Seminar of the International Laboratory of Dynamical Systems and Applications, National Research University Higher School of Economics Nizhni Novgorov, Nizhni Novgorov, 2021.
- The Conley index and its applications to the study of surface flows, Dynamical Systems Seminar, Centro de Matemática da Universidade do Porto, Universidade do Porto, Oporto, 2018.
- Forma, atracción y dinámica topológica, Seminario Vidal-Abascal, Facultade de Matemáticas, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, 2017.