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BibTeX overview
BibTeX overview
BibTeX style files
BibTeX provides formatted reference lists for LaTeX documents. The format of the reference list is determined by a bibliography style file with the extension bst, which typically is specified by the intended publisher of the document.
A hugh advantage of BibTeX is that the same database of references can be formatted by various style files.
BibTeX database files
The information in the reference list is obtained from one or more BibTeX database files, which have the extension bib. BibTeX produces a reference list corresponding to citations made in the LaTeX source file with the cite{cite_key} command. Thecite_key identifies which entry in the bib file to use.
Each entry in a bib file looks similar to the following:
- @book{Lamport94,
- title = “LaTeX: A Document Preparation System”,
- author = “Leslie Lamport”,
- publisher = “Addison-Wesley”,
- address = “Reading, Mass.”,
- edition = “second”,
- year = “1994” }
Here the BibTeX entry type is book and Lamport94 is the cite_key identified in the LaTeX source file with the command cite{Lamport94}. The words title, author, etc. correspond to fields containing the bibliographic information for the reference.The standard types of entries and their fields are listed below. If an entry does not include a “required field,” BibTex will issue a warning and possibly mis-format the reference. The user should correct the entries to try to eliminate all warnings.
More detailed guidance on using BibTeX, including the rules for formatting text fields in bib files, can be found in books on LaTeX, such as Leslie Lamport’s LaTeX: A Document Preparation System.
Entry types
The following entry types are recognized by essentially all BibTeX styles:
- article – article from a journal or magazine
- Required fields: author, title, journal, year
- Optional fields: volume, number, pages, month, note, key
- book – book with an explicit publisher
- Required fields: author/editor, title, publisher, year
- Optional fields: volume/number, series, address, edition, month, note, key
- booklet – work that is printed and bound, but without a named publisher or sponsoring institution
- Required fields: title
- Optional fields: author, howpublished, address, month, year, note, key
- conference – same as inproceedings; included for compatibility with earlier versions
- inbook – part of a book, which may be a chapter (or section or whatever) and/or a range of pages
- Required fields: author/editor, title, chapter/pages, publisher, year
- Optional fields: volume/number, series, address, edition, month, note, key
- incollection – part of a book having its own title
- Required fields: author, title, booktitle, year
- Optional fields: editor, volume/number, series, chapter, organization, pages, publisher, address, edition, month, note, key
- inproceedings – article in a conference proceedings
- Required fields: author, title, booktitle, publisher, year
- Optional fields: editor, volume/number, series, pages, organization, address, month, note, key
- manual – technical documentation
- Required fields: title
- Optional fields: author, organization, address, edition, month, year, note, key
- mastersthesis – master’s thesis
- Required fields: author, title, school, year
- Optional fields: type, address, month, note, key
- misc – for use when nothing else fits
- Required fields: none
- Optional fields: author, title, howpublished, month, year, note, key
- phdthesis – Ph.D. thesis
- Required fields: author, title, school, year
- Optional fields: type, address, month, note, key
- proceedings – proceedings of a conference
- Required fields: title, year
- Optional fields: editor, volume/number, series, publisher, organization, address, month, note, key
- techreport – report published by a school or other institution, usually numbered within a series
- Required fields: author, title, institution, year
- Optional fields: type, number, address, month, note, key
- unpublished – document having an author and title, but not formally published
- Required fields: author, title, note
- Optional fields: month, year, key
Entry fields
Within each database entry, the following fields provide the bibliographic information:
- address – publisher’s address (usually just the city, but the full address may be provided for lesser-known publishers)
- author – name(s) of the author(s). Separate multiple authors’ names with and
- booktitle – title of the book, if only part of it is being cited
- chapter – chapter number
- crossref – cite_key of the cross-referenced entry
- edition – edition of a book, long form (such as “first” or “second”)
- editor – name(s) of the editor(s)
- howpublished – how it was published, if the publishing method is nonstandard
- institution – institution that was involved in the publishing, but not necessarily the publisher
- journal – name of the journal or magazine in which the work was published
- key – hidden field used for specifying or overriding the alphabetical order of entries, when the author and editor fields are missing. Note that this is different from the cite_key used to cite or cross-reference the entry.
- month – month of publication (or, if unpublished, the month of creation)
- note – miscellaneous additional information
- number – issue number of a journal, magazine, or technical report, if applicable. (Many publications have a volume, but no number field.)
- organization – conference sponsor
- pages – page numbers, separated by commas or double-hyphens, if consecutive
- publisher – publisher’s name
- school – name of the school where the thesis was written
- series – name of the series of books in which the book was published
- title – title of the work
- type – type of technical report, for example, “Research Note” or the type of thesis, if different than normal
- volume – volume of a journal or multi-volume book
- year – year of publication (or, if unpublished, the year of creation)
The following fields are recognized in some style files or special-purpose utilities, but are not standard. If these fields are not recognized, the information may be provided in the note field.
- abstract – abstract; used by special-purpose utilities that create full listings of references
- annote – annotation; used by annotated bibliography styles
- doi – Digital Object Identifier, which uniquely specifies an online volume
- eprint – specification of an online electronic publication, often a preprint or a technical report
- url – Uniform Resource Locator for the document, which specifies where it can be found on the internet
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Software for managing BibTeX files
To administrate BibTeX-database files you need an editor, or more comfortable, a so called BibTeX-manager. Here are some links to BibTeX-managers:
- BibEdt: Open source minimal BibTeX editor for Windows.
- BibTexMng: BibTeX editor for Windows, commercial, test version limited to 50 database entries.
- Bibwiki: Bibwiki is an extension for MediaWiki to manage BibTeX bibliographies. With Bibwiki it’s easy to import records from various sources, manage digital documents, export lists of references via BibTeX and create lists of references in Wiki articles.
- JabRef: runs on all platforms, requires a Java-runtime environment.
- Mendeley: runs on various platforms and also has a web interface, exports to BibTeX.
- Pybliographer Bibliography manager for Gnome. Runs under Linux and other Unix-like operating systems. Command-line version runs on Windows.
- refbase: web-based reference manager which can import and export BibTeX.
- tkbibtex: BibTeX editor written in TCL/TK, runs on all platforms.
- WibTeX: BibTeX editor for Windows, can also work together with MS Word.
In my case, I have installed JabRef and it is very complete, professional, and easy to use. It also has some interfacing functionalities with LyX and other editors.
LaTeX topics: Uppercase letters and special symbols in BibTex
BibTeX tries to enforce standard publishing rules regarding article titles and authors’ names; it sometimes changes uppercase letters to lower case. BibTeX also has trouble with umlauts, generally created in LaTeX with “{o}, because it is looking for the ” to end the input line. The general rule for overriding LaTeX’s and BibTex’s reinterpretation of your input text is to put the items you wish to be unchanged in braces. Thus, to obtain an umlaut in an author’s name or in an article title, or to force an uppercase letter, do something like the following:
author = “S. Kaczmarz”,
title = “Angen{“{a}}hrte {A}ufl{“{o}}sung von {S}ystemen linearer {G}leichungen”,
journal= “Bull. Acad. Polon. Sci. Lett.”,
volume = “A35”,
pages = “355-357”,
year = “1937” }
This example shows the use of both umlauts and uppercase letters.