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Archivo del Autor: Carlos R. del Blanco

Artículo aceptado en 2016 XXXI Simposium de la Unión Científica Internacional de Radio

Título del artículo: "An extended Volumegrams of Local Binary sub-Patterns Descriptor for Hand-Gesture Recognition"

Autores: Ana I Maqueda, Carlos R. del-Blanco, Fernando Jaureguizar, Narciso García


Paper accepted at 2016 3DTV Conference

Paper title: "Improved 2D-to-3D video conversion by fusing optical flow analysis and scene depth learning"

Authors: J.L. Herrera, C.R. delBlanco, N. García


Paper accepted at 2016 IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics (Berlin)

Paper title: "Fast Image Decoding for Block Compressed Sensing based encoding by using a Modified Smooth L0-norm"

Authors: J. Xiao, C.R. delBlanco, C. Cuevas, N. García.


New Master in Signal Theory and Communications (MSTC)

Welcome to MSTC

ETSIT – Telecommunication Engineering School – at Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM) currently offers an Official Master Program in Signal Theory and Communications (MSTC).

Students can choose between three tracks to meet their academic needs and achieve their personal and professional objectives. The first two tracks offer advanced training in Radiofrequency and Radiocomunications and Multimedia where the Signals, Systems and Radiocommunications Department at ETSIT-UPM has a unique expertise. The third track offers a cutting-edge program in Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Big Data designed to address the increasing demand for professionals and researchers with the right skills to extend Big Data and Analytics paradigms to applications that scale to massive signals and multimedia data.

Graduates, master students and professionals are encouraged to visit our web page or contact directly at

​​RF Technologies and Systems

Learn about the last advances in radiofrequency technologies and their application to communication systems. You will be able to design such communication subsystems as transmitters, receivers, synthesyzers and antennas.

Radiocommunications and multimedia

This track provides an integrated profile in radiocommunications and multimedia emphasizing most hot technological areas where our department is leading industrial transfer and basic research.

Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Big Data

The track program has been designed to provide the scientific foundations and major technological challenges for extracting knowledge from the increasing number of real-world signals, such as speech, images, movies, music, biological and sensor readings, financial series, etc., as well as data provided by current and future communication systems.

More information Pre-register now

© 2016 Department of Signals Systems and Radiocommunications, UPM. All Rights Reserved. 
Our mailing address is:



Code: face recognition in depth imagery

The code of the publication "Visual Face Recognition using Bag of Dense Derivative Depth Patterns" has been realeased. This code performs face recognition using depth information. The key is the the computation of a new "bag_d3p" feature descriptor, which is delivered to a SVM for the classification task. More information in [Link].




SMI Mobile Eye Tracking HMD unites SensoMotoric Instrument’s 25 years of eye tracking experience with the globally successful Samsung Gear VR to form the first commercially-available mobile VR headset with eye tracking.  This modified Samsung Gear VR is supplied with eye tracking cameras that…

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Nokia lanza la cámara profesional de realidad virtual OZO [Spanish]


Nokia Technologies ha anunciado el lanzamiento de su cámara profesional de realidad virtual OZO, Además ha puesto en marcha …

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AMD y Sulon meten un ordenador completo dentro del casco de realidad virtual, competencia seria para HoloLens [Spanish]

[Fuente: Xataca]

Hay diferentes aspectos a cubrir con garantías en esto de crear realidades y experiencias dentro de un casco, el primero podríamos decir que es la capacidad de proceso que tenga el cerebro del sistema, y aquí AMD ha querido poner…

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Sony’s prototype projector turns any tabletop into a touch-sensitive display

[From The Verge]

Sony’s Future Lab is a R&D group responsible for taking crazy ideas into the prototype phase, and one impressive vision shown here at SXSW in Austin this week is a projector that turns any flat surface into a screen for light to play on. The “Interactive Tabletop” concept uses depth sensors and motion tracking to know when objects are placed on the table and even bring storybooks to life. The project looks like a …

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More interesting news in [Link]


Oferta de trabajo en Valencia: desarrollador en Cuda

 Institución:Universidad Politécnica de Valencia

Se oferta una plaza para desarrollo software en el Grupo de Arquitecturas Paralelas de la Universidad Politécnica de Valencia para trabajar en el proyecto rCUDA (

La titulación necesaria es Ingeniero en Informática o título universitario oficial de Graduado en el ámbito de la titulación indicada.

El contrato tiene una duración inicial de 3 meses, prorrogables hasta el 31 de diciembre de 2016 de acuerdo a la valía del candidato. Tambien es posible la posterior contratación del candidato en una empresa privada para continuar trabajando dentro del proyecto rCUDA. El plazo de presentación de solicitudes termina el 17 de Marzo.

Información complementaria de la oferta:
La convocatoria de la plaza se puede acceder en

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