- Zhao, Z., Zhang, M., He, M., Gao, Y., Li, J., Han, S., Liu, Z., Lei, L., Pérez-Díaz, J.I., Cavazzini, G., Chen, D., Beyond fixed-speed pumped storage: A comprehensive evaluation of different flexible pumped storage technologies in energy systems, Journal of Cleaner Production, vol. 434, 139994, 2024.
- Pérez-Díaz, J.I., González-Martínez, J., Comparison between plant-based and unit-based production functions for the day-ahead energy and reserve scheduling of a hydropower plant with common waterways, Energy Systems 2023.
- L. Zhe, Y. Xiadong, J.I. Pérez-Díaz, L. Yiu, G. Martínez-Lucas, Influence of Water Hammer Effect on Low Frequency Oscillation of Grid-connected Hydropower Station System, Renewable Energy, vol. 219 Part 2, 119530, 2023.
- T. Yang, C. Ma, J.I. Pérez-Díaz, E. Patelli, C. Liu, D. Chen, X. Bi, J. Lian, B. Xu, Identifying the functional form and operation rules of energy storage pump for a hydro-wind-photovoltaic hybrid power system, Energy Conversion and Management, vol. 296, 117700, 2023.
- Casarin, S., Cavazzini, G., Pérez-Díaz, J.I., Battery and flywheel hybridization of a reversible pumped-storage hydro power plant for wear and tear reduction, Journal of Energy Storage, vol. 71, 108059, 2023.
- Akbari, H., Pérez-Díaz, J.I., Sarasúa, J.I., Schürhuber, R., Implementation and Evaluation of a Complex Pumped Storage Hydropower Plant with 4 Units, Common Penstock, and Surge Tank in the Real Time Digital Simulator, Energies, vol. 16(9). 3828, 2023.
- Quaranta, E., Bejarano, M.D., Comoglio, C., Fuentes-Pérez, J.F., Pérez-Díaz, J.I., Sanz-Ronda, F.J., Schletterer, M., Szabo-Meszaros, M., Tuhtan. J.A., Digitalization and real-time control to mitigate environmental impacts along rivers: Focus on artificial barriers, hydropower systems and European priorities, Science of the Total Environment, vol. 875, 162489, 2023.
- Fernández-Muñoz, D., Pérez-Díaz, J.I., Optimisation models for the day-ahead energy and reserve self-scheduling of a hybrid wind-battery virtual power plant, Journal of Energy Storage, 57, 106296, 2023.
- García-Pereira, H., Blanco, M., Martínez-Lucas, G., Pérez-Díaz, J.I., Sarasúa, J.I., Comparison and influence of flywheels energy storage system control schemes in the frequency regulation of isolated power systems, IEEE Access, vol. 10, pp. 37892-37911, 2022.
- Sarasua, J. I., Martínez‐Lucas, G., García‐Pereira, H., Navarro‐Soriano, G., Molina‐García, Á., & Fernández‐Guillamón, A. (2022). Hybrid frequency control strategies based on hydro‐power, wind, and energy storage systems: Application to 100% renewable scenarios. IET Renewable Power Generation, 16(6), 1107-1120.
- Quaranta, E., Pérez-Díaz, J.I., Romero Gómez, P., Pistocchi, A., Environmentally enhanced turbines for hydropower plants: current technology and future perspective, Frontiers in Energy Research, 04, 2021.
- Quaranta, E., Aggidis, G., Boes, R.M., Comoglio, C., De Michele, C., Patro, E.R., Georgievskaia, E., Harby, A., Kougias, I., Muntean, S., Pérez-Díaz, J.I. Romero-Gómez, P., Rosa-Clot, M., Schleiss, A.J., Vagnoni, E., Wirth, M., Pistocchi, A., A clean energy source: Assessing the energy potential of retrofitting the European hydropower fleet, Energy Conversion and Management, vol. 246, 114655, 2021.
- Sarasúa, J.I., Pérez-Díaz, J.I., Martínez-Lucas, G. Fernández-Muñoz, D., Simplified Event-Based load shedding scheme for frequency stability in an isolated power system with high renewable penetration. El Hierro: A Case Study, Frontiers in Energy Research, vol. 9, 698081, 2021.
- Xiong, H., Egusqiza, M., Ostergaard, P.A., Pérez-Díaz, J.I., Sun, G., Egusiza, E., Patelli, E., Xu, B., Duan, H., Chen, D., Luo, X., Multi-objective optimization of a hydro-wind photovoltaic power complementary plant with a vibration avoidance strategy, Applied Energy, vol. 301, 117459, 2021.
- Sarasúa, J.I., Martínez-Lucas, G., Pérez-Díaz, J.I., Fernández-Muñoz, D., Alternative operating modes to reduce the load shedding in the power system of El Hierro Island, International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems, vol. 128, 106755, 2021.
- Guisández, I., Pérez-Díaz, J.I., Mixed integer linear programming formulations for the hydro production function in a unit-based short-term scheduling problem, International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems, vol. 128, 106747, 2021.
- Fernández-Muñoz, D., Pérez-Díaz, J.I., Unit commitment in a hybrid diesel/wind/pumped-storage isolated power system considering the net demand intra-hourly variability, IET Renewable Power Generation, vol. 15, pp. 30-42, 2021.
- Martínez–Lucas, G., Sarasua, J. I., Fernández–Guillamón, A., & Molina–García, Á. (2021). Combined hydro-wind frequency control scheme: Modal analysis and isolated power system case example. Renewable Energy, 180, 1056-1072.
- Martínez-Lucas, G., Sarasúa, J.I., Pérez-Díaz, J.I., Martínez, S., Ochoa, D., Analysis of the implementation of the primary and/or inertial frequency control in variable speed wind turbines in an isolated power system with high renewable penetration. Case study: El Hierro power system, Electronics, vol. 9(6), 2020.
- Pérez-Díaz, J.I., Guisández, I., Chazarra, M., Helseth, A., Medium-term scheduling of a hydropower plant participating as a price-maker in the automatic frequency restoration reserve market, Electric Power Systems Research, vol. 185, 2020.
- Fernández-Muñoz, D. Pérez-Díaz, J.I., Guisández, I., Chazarra, M., Fernández-Espina, A., Fast frequency control ancillary services: an international review, Renewable & Sustainable Energy Review, vol. 120, 2020.
- Fernández-Muñoz, D. Pérez-Díaz, J.I., Contribution of non-conventional pumped-storage hydropower plant configurations in an isolated power system with an increasing share of renewable energy, IET Renewable Power Generation, vol. 14(4), pp. 658-670, 2020.
- Guisández, I., Pérez-Díaz, J.I., Nowak, W. and Haas, J., Should environmental constraints be considered in linear programming based water value calculators?, International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, vol. 117, 2020
- Pérez-Díaz, J.I., Lafoz, M., Burke, F., Integration of fast acting energy storage systems in existing pumped-storage power plants to enhance the system’s frequency control, Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews on Energy and Environment, 9, e367, 2020.
- Fernández-Guillamón, A., Martínez-Lucas, G., Molina-García, Á., & Sarasua, J. I. (2020). Hybrid wind–PV frequency control strategy under variable weather conditions in isolated power systems. Sustainability, 12(18), 7750.
- Fernández-Guillamón, A., Martínez-Lucas, G., Molina-García, Á., & Sarasua, J. I. (2020). An adaptive control scheme for variable speed wind turbines providing frequency regulation in isolated power systems with thermal generation. Energies, 13(13), 3369.
- Ribas, J., Pérez-Díaz, J.I., A Multicriteria Fuzzy Approximate Reasoning Approach for Risk Assessment of Dam Safety, Environmental Earth Sciences, 74, 514, 2019.
- Kougias, I., Aggidis, G., Avellan, F., Deniz, S., Lundin, U., Moro, A., Muntean, S., Novara, D., Pérez-Díaz, J.I., Quarante, E., Schild, P., Theodossiou, N., Analysis of emerging technologies in the hydropower sector, Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, vol. 113, 2019.
- Fernández-Muñoz, D., Pérez-Díaz, J.I., Chazarra, M., A two-stage stochastic optimization model for the water value calculation in a hybrid diesel/wind/pumped-storage power system, IET Renewable Power Generation, vol. 13, 2019.
- Chazarra, M., Pérez-Díaz, J.I., García-González, J., Helseth, A., Economic Effects of Forecasting Inaccuracies in the Automatic Frequency Restoration Service for the Day-ahead Energy and Reserve Scheduling of Pumped Storage Plants, Electric Power Systems Research, vol. 174, 2019.
- Ribas, J., Pérez-Díaz, J.I., Assessment of Sustainable Use of a Multipurpose Reservoir through the Multicriteria Approach: The Case of Corumbá IV Reservoir, Brazil, Water Resources Management, vol. 33, no. 2, pp. 591-602, 2019.
- Martínez-Lucas, G. , Pérez-Díaz, J.I., Chazarra, M., Sarasúa, J.I., Cavazzini, G., Pavesi, G., Ardizzon, G., Risk of penstock fatigue in pumped-storage power plants operating with variable speed in pumping mode, Renewable Energy, vol. 133, pp. 636-646, 2019.
- Sarasúa, J. I., Martínez-Lucas, G., & Lafoz, M. (2019). Analysis of alternative frequency control schemes for increasing renewable energy penetration in El Hierro Island power system. International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, 113, 807-823.
- Villalba, I., Blanco, M., Pérez-Díaz, J.I., Fernández, D., Díaz, F., Lafoz, M., Wave farms grid compliance in isolated small power systems, IET Renewable Power Generation, vol. 13, no. 1, pp. 171-180, 2018.
- Chazarra, M., Pérez-Díaz, J.I., García-González, J., Praus, R., Economic viability of pumped-storage power plants participating in the secondary regulation service, Applied Energy, vol. 216, pp. 224-233, 2018.
- Chazarra, M., Pérez-Díaz, J. and García-González, J., Optimal Joint Energy and Secondary Regulation Reserve Hourly Scheduling of Variable Speed Pumped-Storage Hydropower Plants, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol. 33, no. 1, pp. 103–115, 2018.
- Martínez-Lucas, G., Sarasúa, J.I., Sánchez-Fernández, J.A., Eigen analysis of wind–hydro joint frequency regulation in an isolated power system, Int. J. Electr. Power Energy Syst., vol. 103, pp. 511–524, 2018.
- Sarasúa, J.I., Martínez-Lucas, G., Platero, C., Sánchez-Fernández, J.A., Dual Frequency Regulation in Pumping Mode in a Wind–Hydro Isolated System. Energies, 11(11), 2865, 2018.
- Martínez-Lucas, G., Sarasúa, J.I., Sánchez-Fernández, J.A., Frequency Regulation of a Hybrid Wind–Hydro Power Plant in an Isolated Power System, Energies, vol. 11, no. 1, p. 239, 2018.
- Helseth, A., Fodstad, M., Auskeland, M., Mo, B., Nilsen, O.B., Pérez-Díaz, J.I., Chazarra, M., Guisández, I., Assessing hydropower operational profitability considering energy and reserve markets, IET Renewable Power Generation, vol. 11(13), pp. 1640-1647, 2017.
- Chazarra, M., Pérez-Díaz, J.I., García-González, J., Deriving Optimal End of Day Storage for Pumped-Storage Power Plants in the Joint Energy and Reserve Day-ahead Scheduling, Energies, vol. 10(6), 2017.
- Chazarra, M., Pérez-Díaz, J. and García-González, J., Value of perfect information of spot prices in the joint energy and reserve hourly scheduling of pumped storage plants, Electric Power Systems Research, vol. 48, pp. 303-310, 2017.
- Chazarra, M., Pérez-Díaz, J., García-González, J., Optimal Energy and Reserve Scheduling of Pumped-Storage Power Plants Considering Hydraulic Short-Circuit Operation, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol. 32 (1), pp. 344-353, 2017.
- Guisández, I., Pérez-Díaz, J.I., Wilhelmi, J.R., Influence of the environmental constraints on the water value, Energies, vol. 9(6), 2016.
- Guisández, I., Pérez-Díaz, J.I., Wilhelmi, J.R., Approximate formulae for the assessment of the long-term economic impact of environmental constraints on hydropeaking, Energy, vol. 112, pp. 629-641, 2016.
- Pérez-Díaz, J.I. and Jiménez, J., Contribution of a pumped-storage hydropower plant to reducing scheduling costs of an isolated power system with high wind power penetration, Energy, vol. 109, pp. 92-104, 2016.
- Chazarra, M., García-González, J., Pérez-.Díaz, J.I. and Arteseros, M., Stochastic Optimization Model for the Weekly Scheduling of a Hydropower System in Day-ahead and Secondary Regulation Reserve Markets, Electric Power Systems Research, vol. 130, pp. 67-77, 2016.
- Sarasúa, J.I., Pérez-Díaz, J.I., Contribución de una central reversible con bombeo a velocidad variable a la regulación frecuencia-potencia de un sistema aislado, Dyna, vol. 91(2), pp. 140-145, 2016.
- Martínez-Lucas, G., Sarasúa, J.I., Sánchez, J.A., Wilhelmi, J.R., Frequency control support of a wind-solar isolated system by a hydropower plant with long tail-race tunnel, Renewable Energy, vol. 90, pp. 362-376, 2016.
- Martínez-Lucas, G., Sarasúa, J.I., Sánchez, J.A. and Wilhelmi, J.R, Power-frequency control of hydropower plants with long penstocks in isolated systems with wind generation, Renewable Energy, vol. 83, pp. 245-255, 2015.
- Sarasúa, J.I., Pérez-Díaz, J.I., Wilhelmi, J.R., Sánchez, J.A., Dynamic response and governor tuning of a long penstock pumped-storage hydropower plant (PSHP) equipped with a pump-turbine and a DFIG, Energy Conversion and Management, vol. 106, pp- 161-164, 2015.
- Pérez-Díaz, J.I., Sarasúa, J.I., Failures during Load-Frequency Control Maneuvers in an Upgraded Hydropower Plant: Causes, Identification of Causes and Solution Proposals, Energies, vol. 8(10), pp. 10584-10604, 2015.
- Sarasúa, J.I., Pérez-Díaz, J.I., On the implementation of variable speed in pump-turbine units providing primary and secondary load-frequency control in generating mode, Energies, vol. 8(12) Special issue on Hydropower, pp. 13559-13575, 2015.
- Pérez-Díaz, J.I., Chazarra, M., García-González, J., Cavazzini, G., Stoppato, A., Trends and challenges in the operation of pumped-storage hydropower plants, Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, vol. 44, pp. 767-784, 2015.
- Pérez-Díaz, J.I., Sarasúa, J.I., Wilhelmi, J.R., Contribution of a hydraulic short-circuit pumped-storage power plant to the load-frequency regulation of an isolated system, International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems, vol. 62, pp. 199-211, 2014.
- Sarasúa, J.I., Elías, P., Wilhelmi, J.R., Martínez-Lucas, G., Pérez-Díaz, J.I., Stability analysis of a run-of-river diversion hydropower plant with surge tank and spillway in the head pond, The Scientific World Journal, vol. 2014.
- Guisández, I., Pérez-Díaz, J.I., Wilhelmi, J.R., Assessment of the economic impact of environmental constraints on annual hydropower plant operation, Energy Policy, vol. 61, pp. 1332-1343, 2013.
- Bianucci, P., Sordo, A., Pérez-Díaz, J.I., García Palacios, J., Mediero, L., Garrote, L., Risk-based methodology for parameter calibration of a reservoir flood control model, Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, vol. 13, pp. 965- 981, 2013.
- Pérez-Díaz, JI, Wilhelmi, JR, García, D, Millán, R, Guisández, I, Contribution of re-regulation reservoirs considering pumping capability to environmentally friendly hydropower operation, Energy, vol. 48 (1), pp. 144-152, 2012.
- Pérez-Díaz, JI, Wilhelmi, JR, Galaso, I, Fraile-Ardanuy, J, Sánchez, JA, Castañeda, O, Sarasúa, JI, Dynamic response of hydro power plants to load variations for providing secondary regulation reserves considering elastic water column effects, Przeglad Elektrotechniczny, vol. 1a/2012, pp. 159-163, 2012.
- Pérez-Díaz, JI, Wilhelmi, JR, Assessment of the economic impact of environmental constraints on short-term hydropower plant operation. Energy Policy, vol. 38 (12), pp. 7960-7970, December 2010.
- Pérez-Díaz, JI, Wilhelmi, JR, Sánchez-Fernández, JA, Short-term operation scheduling of a hydropower plant in the day-ahead electricity market. Electric Power Systems Research, vol. 80 (12), pp. 1535-1542, December 2010.
- Pérez-Díaz, JI, Wilhelmi, JR, Arévalo Muñoz, L, Optimal short-term operation schedule of a hydropower plant in a competitive electricity market. Energy Conversion and Management, vol. 51 (12), pp. 2955-2966, December 2010.
- Fraile-Ardanuy, J, García, P, Pérez-Díaz, JI, Fraile-Mora, J, Improving understanding of single phase transformer behaviour through a multimedia tool. International Journal of Electrical Engineering Education, vol. 46(1), pp. 74-89, 2009.
- Pérez-Díaz, JI, Wilhelmi, JR, Maroto, L, Adjustable speed operation of a hydro power plant associated to an irrigation reservoir. Energy Conversion and Management, vol. 49 (11), pp. 2973-2978, November 2008.
- Fraile-Ardanuy, J, Wilhelmi, JR, Fraile-Mora, J, Pérez-Díaz, JI, Variable speed hydro generation: operational aspects and control. IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, vol. 21 (2), pp. 569-574, 2006.