Intellectual Property

MORAÑO RODRÍGUEZ, AJ.; REVUELTA CRESPO, D.; POUS DE LA FLOR, J. Dispositivo de mezclado de productos. ES 2 338 093 B1. UPM y CAVOSA, Obras y Proyectos, S.A. 2011

Mixing device for products in different states of matter that once mixed comprise a first container for storing a first solid material used to improve a cement matrix; been discharged a certain amount of this first material through a transport unit; the amount of material weighed is first supplied to a mixing piece with a liquid material used in the manufacture of the cement matrix and also an addition product used as well in the manufacture of this cement matrix from a second container and a third container adapted for storing the liquid and the addition products; the mixing unit supplies a mixture to a concrete mixer where the cement matrix is prepared. 

JIMÉNEZ RIVERO, A.; DE GUZMÁN BÁEZ, A.; LUND-NIELSEN, H.; GARCÍA NAVARRO, J. (2014) Metodología para la estimación y análisis de la cuota de mercado de un determinado sistema de reciclaje de Residuos de Construcción y Demolición (RCD) en un área concreta. Propiedad intelectual (en proceso de registro).

The model estimates the market share of gypsum recycling systems in a given country. It can be used as an analytical tool by stakeholders to identify the causes that limit the rate of gypsum recycling in a particular country, as well as the solutions that lead to improve the situation. A total of six factors have been defined and combined into a mathematical model to determine the share of gypsum that is recycled, most of which neither the gypsum recyclers nor the European Plasterboard Industry can directly influence. The factors are grouped into four categories: technical, economical, legal and environmental. Finally, the model has been revised to make it applicable to any other type of construction and demolition waste.

