32. | The stochastic nature of functional responses. G. M Palamara, J. A. Capitán, D. Alonso. Entropy 23, 575. | 2021 |
31. | The characteristic time of ecological communities. V. J. Ontiveros, J. A. Capitán, E. O. Casamayor, D. Alonso. Ecology 102 (2), e03247. | 2021 |
30. | Collapse and recovery times in non-linear harvesting with demographic stochasticity. S. Cuenda, M. Llorente, J. A. Capitán. Applied Mathematics and Computation 380 (1), 125236. | 2020 |
29. | Competitive dominance in plant communities: Modeling approaches and theoretical predictions. J. A. Capitán, S. Cuenda, D. Alonso. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 110349. | 2020 |
28. | Integrability of Stochastic Birth-Death processes via Differential Galois Theory. P. B. Acosta-Humanez, J. A. Capitán, J. J. Morales-Ruiz. Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena 15, 70. | 2020 |
27. | Phenotypic variability promotes diversity and stability in competitive communities. D.S. Maynard, C. A. Serván, J. A. Capitán, S. Allesina. Ecology Letters 22 (11), 1776-1786. | 2019 |
26. | A Randomized Trait Community Clustering approach to unveil consistent environmental thresholds in community assembly. X. Triadó-Margarit, J. A. Capitán, M. Menéndez-Serra, R. Ortiz-Álvarez, V. J. Ontiveros, E. O. Casamayor, D. Alonso. The ISME Journal 13, 2681–2689. | 2019 |
25. | Colonization and Extinction Rates estimated from Temporal Dynamics of Ecological Communities: The island R Package. V. J. Ontiveros, J. A. Capitán, R. Arthur, E. O. Casamayor, D. Alonso. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 10 (7), 1108-1117. | 2019 |
24. | Coexistence of many species in random ecosystems. C. A. Serván, J. A. Capitán, J. Grilli, K. E. Morrison, S. Allesina. Nature Ecology and Evolution 2 (8), 1237-1242. | 2018 |
23. | A Minimal Agent-Based Model Reproduces the Overall Topology of Interbank Networks. S. Cuenda, M. Fernández, J. Galeano, J. A. Capitán. Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation 21 (1), 2. | 2018 |
22. | Stochastic competitive exclusion leads to a cascade of species extinctions. J. A. Capitán, S. Cuenda, D. Alonso. Journal of Theoretical Biology 419, 137-151. | 2017 |
21. | Demography-based adaptive network model reproduces the spatial organization of human linguistic groups. J. A. Capitán, S. Manrubia. Physical Review E 92 (6), 062811. | 2015 |
20. | How similar can co-occurring species be in the presence of competition and ecological drift?. J. A. Capitán, S. Cuenda, D. Alonso. Journal of the Royal Society Interface 12 (110), 20150604. | 2015 |
19. | New patterns in human biogeography revealed by networks of contacts between linguistic groups. J. A. Capitán, J. B. Axelsen, S. Manrubia. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 282 (1802), 20142947. | 2015 |
18. | Dynamical community structure of populations evolving on genotype networks. J. A. Capitán, J. Aguirre, S. Manrubia. Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 72, 99-106. | 2015 |
17. | The ecology of human linguistic groups. J. A. Capitán, S. Manrubia. Frontiers in Ecology, Evolution and Complexity, 255-264. | 2014 |
16. | Degree of intervality of food webs: From body-size data to models. J. A. Capitán, A. Arenas, R. Guimerà. Journal of Theoretical Biology 334, 35-44. | 2013 |
15. | Local-based semantic navigation on a networked representation of information. J. A. Capitán, J. Borge-Holthoefer, S. Gómez, J. Martinez-Romo, L. Araujo, J. A. Cuesta, A. Arenas. PLoS one 7 (8), e43694. | 2012 |
14. | Disentangling categorical relationships through a graph of co-occurrences. J. Martinez-Romo, L. Araujo, J. Borge-Holthoefer, A. Arenas, J. A. Capitán, J. A. Cuesta. Physical Review E 84 (4), 046108. | 2011 |
13. | Severe hindrance of viral infection propagation in spatially extended hosts. J. A. Capitán, J. A. Cuesta, S. C. Manrubia, J. Aguirre. PLoS One 6 (8), e23358. | 2011 |
12. | Crossed-ratchet effects and domain wall geometrical pinning. V. I. Marconi, A. B. Kolton, J. A. Capitán, J. A. Cuesta, A. Pérez-Junquera, M. Vélez, J. I. Martín, J. M. R. Parrondo. Physical Review B 83 (21), 214403. | 2011 |
11. | Species assembly in model ecosystems, II: Results of the assembly process. J. A. Capitán, J. A. Cuesta, J. Bascompte. Journal of Theoretical Biology 269 (1), 344-355. | 2011 |
10. | Species assembly in model ecosystems, I: Analysis of the population model and the invasion dynamics. J. A. Capitán, J. A. Cuesta, J. Bascompte. Journal of Theoretical Biology 269 (1), 330-343. | 2011 |
9. | Struggle for space: viral extinction through competition for cells. J. A. Cuesta, J. Aguirre, J. A. Capitán, S. C. Manrubia. Physical Review Letters 106 (2), 028104. | 2011 |
8. | Catastrophic regime shifts in model ecological communities are true phase transitions. J. A. Capitán, J. A. Cuesta. Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment 2010 (10), P10003. | 2010 |
7. | Scale-invariant model of marine population dynamics. J. A. Capitán, G. W. Delius. Physical Review E 81 (6), 061901. | 2010 |
6. | Statistical mechanics of ecosystem assembly. J. A. Capitán, J. A. Cuesta, J. Bascompte. Physical Review Letters 103 (16), 168101. | 2009 |
5. | Phase diagram of a two-dimensional lattice gas model of a ramp system. N. G. Almarza, J. A. Capitán, J. A. Cuesta, E. Lomba. The Journal of Chemical Physics 131 (12), 124506. | 2009 |
4. | Phase behavior of parallel hard cylinders. J. A. Capitán, Y. Martínez-Ratón, J. A. Cuesta. The Journal of Chemical Physics 128 (19), 194901. | 2008 |
3. | Fundamental-measure density functional for mixtures of parallel hard cylinders. Y. Martínez-Ratón, J. A. Capitán, J. A. Cuesta. Physical Review E 77 (5), 051205. | 2008 |
2. | Fundamental-measure density functional for the fluid of aligned hard hexagons: Further insights in fundamental measure theory. J. A. Capitán, J. A. Cuesta. Physical Review E 76 (1), 011403. | 2007 |
1. | Monte Carlo determination of the phase diagram of the double-exchange model. J. L. Alonso, J. A. Capitán, L. A. Fernández, F. Guinea, V. Martín-Mayor. Physical Review B 64 (5), 054408. | 2001 |