Scheduled participation in conferences and seminars
- Speaker at MAPHYAG Seminar; Universidad Computense de Madrid, April 4, 2025.
- Speaker at Conference – Stratifications of Higgs Bundle moduli spaces and related topics, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, May 5-9, 2025.
- Mini-course speaker at Workshop on Character Varieties and Higgs Bundles; Universidad de Costa Rica, Liberia, Guanacaste, August 4 – 8, 2025.
- Seminario Antonio Giraldo y Sonia Sastre (Fall 2024 meeting at Bloque 1 Planta 3, ETS Ingenieros Informáticos, UPM).
- Seminario Geometría y sus Aplicaciones (Fall 2024 meeting hybrid ETSIAAB and via Zoom).

Past events
- Speaker at Red Temática de Geometría y Física 2024 annual meeting, ICMAT Madrid; November 26 – 29, 2024.
- Organizer Algebraic Geometry Session at VII Congreso RSME Jóvenes Investigadores, UPV Bilbao; January 13 – 17, 2025.
- Speaker Seminario de Geometría at Universidade de Santiago de Compostela; January 28, 2025.
- Participant at MaPhyAG Workshop: Integrability, Geometry and QFT, Universidad Complutense de Madrid; October 7 – 11, 2024.
- Participant at 2nd Simons Math Summer Workshop: Moduli – Simons Center for Geometry and Physics, Stony Brook NY (USA); July 7 – 20, 2024.
- Attending VBAC conference – Recent applications to the geometry of moduli spaces, Essen (Germany); August 28 – September 1, 2023.
- Attending Homemade Algebraic Geometry Celebrating Enrique Arrondo’s 60th birthday, Universidad de Alcalá de Henares, July 10-13 2023.
- Visitor and Speaker at Geometry and Mathematical Physics Seminar at University of Birmingham, UK; June 12-16 2023.
- Speaker at Seminar of the Department of Applied Mathematics, URJC; June 6 2023.
- Attending conference The Hitchin system, Langlands duality and mirror symmetry, ICMAT, Madrid; April 24–29 2023.
- Speaker at Seminario Geometría y sus Aplicaciones; Wednesday March 8 via Zoom.
- Co-organizer special session “Algebraic Geometry I: Fundaments” in VI Youth Congress RSME, Universidad de León, February 6-10 2023.
- Speaker at Seminario Antonio Giraldo y Sonia Sastre, Bloque 1 Planta 3, ETS Ingenieros Informáticos, UPM, Madrid; 4 October 2022.
- Attending Moduli spaces and geometric structure: Conference in honour of Oscar García-Prada on the occasion of his 60th birthday, ICMAT, Madrid; 12-16 September 2022.
- Speaker at VBAC 2022: Moduli Spaces and Vector Bundles — New Trends, on the occasion of Peter Newstead’s 80th birthday University of Warwick, UK; July 25-29, 2022. (Link to video)
- Participant at School on Mirror Symmetry and Moduli Spaces, IST, Lisboa, Portugal; June 27-July 1, 2022.
- Talk at Geometry Seminar, ICMAT, Madrid, Spain; June 1, 2022.
- Speaker at Young researchers workshop – Hitchin-Ngo ICMAT Lab, ICMAT, Madrid, Spain; March 3-4, 2022.
- Speaker at SIMMAC XXIII, Geometry and Topology session, Universidad de Costa Rica; February 21-25, 2022.
- Seminar “Geometria em Lisboa” at Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisboa, Portugal; November 30, 2021. (Link to video)