Dr. Agustín Rubio Sánchez

Curriculum Vitae




ORTIZ, C., FERNÁNDEZ-ALONSO, Mª J., KITZLER, B., DÍAZ-PINÉS, E., SAIZ, G., RUBIO, A., BENITO, M. Variations in soil aggregation, microbial community structure and soil organic matter cycling associated to long-term afforestation and woody encroachment in a Mediterranean alpine ecotone. Geoderma 405: 105450.

FERNÁNDEZ-ALONSO, M.J., DÍAZ-PINÉS, E., KITZLER, B., RUBIO, A. Tree species composition shapes the assembly of microbial decomposer communities during litter decomposition. Plant and Soil 480: 457 – 472


FERNÁNDEZ-ALONSO, Mª J., DÍAZ-PINÉS, E., RUBIO, A. Drivers of soil respiration in response to nitrogen addition in a Mediterranean mountain forest. Biogeochemistry 155: 305 – 321.


DANNENMANN, M., DÍAZ-PINÉS, E., KITZLER, B., KARHU, CH., TEJEDOR, J., AMBUS, P., PARRA, A., SÁNCHEZ-MARTÍN, L., RESCO DE DIOS, V., RAMÍREZ, D.A., POVOAS-GUIMARAES, L., WILLIBALD, G., GASCHE, R., ZECHMEISTER-BOLTENSTERN, S., KRAUS, D., CASTALDI, S., RUBIO, A., VALLEJO, A., MORENO, J.M., BUTTERBACH-BAHL, K. Post-fire nitrogen balance of Mediterranean shrublands: direct combustion losses versus gaseous and leaching losses from the post-fire soil mineral nitrogen flush. Global Change Biology. 24(10): 4505-4520

FERNÁNDEZ-ALONSO, Mª.J., CURIEL, J., KITZLER, B., ORTIZ, C., RUBIO, A. Changes in litter chemistry
associated with global change-driven forest succession resulted in time-decoupled responses of soil carbon and nitrogen cycles. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 120, pp. 200 – 211.

FERNÁNDEZ-ALONSO, Mª.J., DÍAZ-PINES, E., ORTIZ, C., RUBIO, A. Disentangling the effects of tree species and microclimate on heterotrophic and autotrophic soil respiration in a Mediterranean ecotone forest. Forest Ecology and Managemente. 430, pp. 533 – 544.


RUBIO A. & ROIG, S. Impactos, vulnerabilidad y adaptación al cambio climático en los sistemas extensivos de producción ganadera en España. Oficina Española de Cambio Climático. Ministerio de Agricultura y Pesca, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente. Madrid.


ÁLVAREZ S. & RUBIO A.  Wood Use and Forest Management for Carbon Sequestration in Community Forestry in Sierra Juárez, Mexico. Small-scale Forestry, 15(3), 357-374 DOI: 10.1007/s11842-016-9325-2

ALVAREZ, S., CARBALLO-PENELA, A., MATEO-MANTECÓN, I. & RUBIO, A. Strengths-Weaknesses-Opportunities-Threats analysis of carbon footprint indicator and derived recommendations. Journal of Cleaner Production, 121:  238-247 DOI: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2016.02.028.

ÁLVAREZ, S., ORTIZ, C., DÍAZ-PINÉS, E. & RUBIO, A. Influence of tree species composition, thinning intensity and climate change on carbon sequestration in Mediterranean mountain forests: a case study using the CO2Fix model. Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change, 21: 1045-1058 DOI: 10.1007/s11027-014-9565-4

AVILÉS, C, GIMÉNEZ, M.C., ARRAIZA, M.P., GARCÍA, J.L., RUBIO A., GARCÍA, J., LÓPEZ-QUERO, M. & AMBROSIO, Y. Environmental master’s programmes under Erasmus multilateral projects. Elatoration and monitoriong. ICERI 2016 Proceedings, 1035-1038

AVILÉS, C, LEONARDI, A., RUBIO A., GIMÉNEZ, M.C., ARRAIZA, M.P., GARCÍA, J.L., GARCÍA, J. AMBROSIO, Y., LAÍNA, R., LÓPEZ, M. & GÓMEZ, L. Knowledge alliances for higher education on environmental economics. ICERI 2016 Proceedings, 1071-1073

DÍAZ-PINÉS, E., HERAS, P., GASCHE, R., RUBIO, A., RENNENBERG, H., BUTTERBACH-BAHL, K., KIESE, R. Nitrous oxide emissions from stems of Ash (Fraxinus angustifolia Vahl) and European Beech (Fagus sylvatica L.).  Plant and Soil, 398(1): 35-45. DOI: 10.1007/S11104-015-2629-8.

FERNÁNDEZ, M.J., ORTIZ OÑATE, C., GÓMEZ FERNÁNDEZ, L. & RUBIO, A. Soil CO2 effluxes as early response assessment for remediation of diesel polluted soils. Spanish Journal of Soil Science, 6 (1): 51-63 DOI: 10.3232/SJSS.2016.V6.

ORTIZ, C., VÁZQUEZ, E., RUBIO, A., BENITO, M., SCHINDLBACHER, A., JANDL, R., BUTTERBACH-BAHL, K., DÍAZ-PINÉS, E. Changes in soil organic matter after afforestation of mountain grasslands in both a Mediterranean and a temperate climate.  Biogeochemistry, 131(3): 267-280.


ÁLVAREZ, S., SOSA, M. & RUBIO, A. Product and corporate carbon footprint using the compound method based on financial accounts. The case of Osorio wind farms. Applied Energy, 139: 196-204

ALVAREZ S., PLANELLES, R. & RUBIO A. Carbon footprint from helitankers: sustainable decision making in aerial wildfire fighting. International Journal of Wildland Fire, 24(7):  983-988 (doi: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2015.01.048)

ALVAREZ S. & RUBIO A. Carbon Footprint in Green Public Procurement: A case study in the services sector. Journal of Cleaner Production, 93: 159-166. doi: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2015.01.048.

FERNÁNDEZ, M.J., ORTIZ, C., CONTRERAS, A., GARCÍA-AMORENA, I., MARTÍNEZ, F., AVILÉS, C., GÓMEZ, L. & RUBIO, A. Relación entre emisión de CO2 del suelo y remediación de hidrocarburos en el proyecto europeo BIOXISOIL. Relationship between CO2 emissions and remediation of hydrocarbons in the european BIOXISOIL Project. FuturEnviro, 26: 56-59

GEA-IZQUIERDO, G., MONTES, F., GAVILÁN, R.G., CAÑELLAS, I. & RUBIO A.Is  this the end? Dynamics of a relict stand from pervasively deforested ancient Iberian pine forests. European Journal of Forest Research, 134: 525-536.  DOI 10.1007/s10342-015-0869-z.

KARHU, K., DANNENMANN, M., KITZLER, B., DÍAZ-PINÉS, E., TEJEDOR, J., RAMIREZ, D.A., PARRA, A., RESCO DE DIOS, V., MORENO, J.M., RUBIO, A., GUIMARAES-POVOAS, L., ZECHMEISTER-BOLTENSTERN, S., BUTTERBACH-BAHL, K. & AMBUS, P. Fire increases the risk of higher soil N2O emissions from Mediterranean Macchia ecosystems. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 82: 44-51

MORENO-FERNÁNDEZ, D., DÍAZ-PINÉS, E., BARBEITO, I., SÁNCHEZ, M.,  MONTES, F., RUBIO A. & CAÑELLAS, I. Temporal carbon dynamics over the rotation period of two alternative management systems in Mediterranean mountain Scots pine forests. Forest Ecology and Management, 348: 186-195. DOI: DX.DOI.ORG/10.1016/foreco.2015.03.043.


ÁLVAREZ, S. & RUBIO, A. Compound method based on financial accounts versus process-based analysis in product carbon footprint: A comparison using wood pallets. Ecological Indicators, 49: 88-94

ÁLVAREZ, S., BLANQUER, M. & RUBIO, A. Carbon footprint using the Compound Method based on Financial Accounts. The case of the School of Forestry Engineering, Technical University of Madrid. Journal of Cleaner Production, 66: 224-232

ÁLVAREZ, S., ORTIZ, C., DÍAZ-PINÉS, E. & RUBIO, A. Influence of tree species composition, thinning intensity and climate change on carbon sequestration in Mediterranean mountain forests: a case study using the CO2Fix model. Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change (DOI 10.1007/s11027-014-9565-4)

GUTIÉRREZ-GIRÓN, A., RUBIO, A. & GAVILÁN, R. Temporal variation in microbial and plant biomass during summer in a Mediterranean high-mountain dry grassland. Plant and Soil, 374: 803–813

GUTIÉRREZ-GIRÓN, A., DÍAZ-PINÉS, E., RUBIO, A. & GAVILÁN, R. Both altitudinal and vegetation effect temperature sensitivity of soil organic matter decomposition in Mediterranean high mountain soils. Geoderma: 237-238: 1-8.


ÁLVAREZ, S. & RUBIO, A. Carbon baseline in a mixed pine-oak forest in the Juarez’ Mountain Range (Oaxaca, Mexico) using the CO2FIX v.3.2 model. Revista Chapingo. Serie Ciencias Forestales y del Ambiente, 19(1): 125-137

SIMÓN, N., MONTES, F., DÍAZ-PINÉS, E., BENAVIDES, R., ROIG, S., & RUBIO, A. Spatial distribution of the soil organic carbon pool in a Holm oak dehesa in Spain. Plant and Soil, 366 (1-2): 537-549


CHITI, T., DÍAZ-PINÉS, E. & RUBIO, A. Soil organic carbon stocks of conifers, broadleaf and evergreen broadleaf forests of Spain.  Biol Fertil Soils, 48: 817–826

RUBIO, A. Planteamiento y técnicas para el muestreo de suelos. Capítulo del libro: Evaluación y recuperación de emplazamientos degradados y/o contaminados. pp:25-37. Editores: R. Millán & C. Lobo. ISBN: 978-84-7834-680-6


DÍAZ-PINÉS, E., Rubio, A. & MONTES, F. Aboveground soil C inputs in the ecotone between Scots pine and Pyrenean oak in Sierra de Guadarrama. Forest Systems, 20(3): 485-495

DÍAZ-PINÉS, E., RUBIO, A., VAN MIEGROET, H., Benito, M., Montes, F. Does tree species composition control soil organic carbon pools in Mediterranean mountain forests? Forest Ecology and Management, 262 (10): 1895–1904

RODEGHIERO, M., RUBIO, A., DÍAZ-PINÉS, E., ROMANYÀ, J., MARAÑÓN, S., LEVY, G., SEBASTIÁ, T., FERNÁNDEZ-GETINO, A.P., KARYOTIS, T.; CHITI, T., SIRCA, C., MARTINS, A., MADEIRA, M., ZHIYANSKI, M., GRISTINA, L. Mediterranean ecosystems. Capítulo del libro: Soil Carbon in Sensitive European Ecosystems.pp: 175-218. Editores: Jandl, R.; Olssons, M.; Rodeghiero, M. Editorial: John Wiley & Sons, West Sussex, UK. ISBN: 978-1-119-97001-9

RUBIO, A., GAVILÁN, R.G., MONTES, F., GUTIÉRREZ-GIRÓN, A., DÍAZ-PINES, E., & MEZQUIDA, E.T. Biodiversity measures applied to stand-level management: Can they really be useful? Ecological Indicators, 11: 545-55


DÍAZ-PINÉS, E., SCHINDLBACHER, A., PFEFFER, M., JANDL, R., ZECHMEISTER-BOLTENSTERN, S. & RUBIO, A. Root trenching – a useful tool to estimate autotrophic soil respiration? A case study in an Austrian mountain forest. European Journal of Forest Research, 129: 101-109

INCLÁN, R., URIBE, C., DE LA TORRE, D., SÁNCHEZ, M.D., CLAVERO, M.A., FERNÁNDEZ, A., MORANTE, R., CARDEÑA, A., FERNÁNDEZ, M. & RUBIO, A. Carbon dioxide fluxes across the Sierra de Guadarrama, Spain. European Journal of Forest Research, 129: 93-100.

MEZQUIDA, E.T., SÁNCHEZ PALOMARES, O. & RUBIO, A. Evaluation of the potential index model to predict habitat suitability of forest species: the potential distribution of mountain pine (Pinus uncinata) in the Iberian Península.  European Journal of Forest Research, 129:133-140

RUBIO, A., MERINO, A. & BLANCO, A. Soil–plant relations in Mediterranean forest environments European Journal of Forest Research, 129: 1-3

SCHINDLBACHER, A., DE GONZALO, C. DÍAZ-PINÉS, E., GORRÍA, P., MATTHEWS, B., INCLÁN, R., ZECHMEISTER-BOLTENSTERN, S., RUBIO, A. & JANDL, R. Temperature sensitivity of forest soil organic matter decomposition along two elevation gradients  J. Geophys. Res., 115, G03018: 1-10


MONTES, F., BARBEITO, I., RUBIO, A. & CAÑELLAS, I. Evaluating height structure in Scots pine forests using marked point processes. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 38: 1924-1934.

MONTES, F., RUBIO, A., BARBEITO, I. & CAÑELLAS, I. Characterization of the spatial structure of the canopy in Pinus sylvestris L. stands from hemispherical photographs. Forest Ecology and Management, 255: 580-590

RUBIO, A. Técnicas de muestreo y preparación de las muestras para el análisis de suelos. Capítulo del libro: Contaminación de suelos. Tecnologías para su recuperación. pp: 391-403. Editores: R. Millán & C. Lobo. ISBN: 978-84-7834-576-2

SÁNCHEZ, O., ROIG, S., DEL RÍO, M., RUBIO, A., & GANDULLO, J.M. Las estaciones ecológicas actuales y potenciales de los rebollares españoles. 343 pp. Editorial: Monografías INIA: Serie Forestal Nº 17. Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia. ISBN: 978-84-7498-525-5


BENAVIDES, R., MONTES, F., RUBIO, A. & OSORO, K. Geostatistical modelling of air temperature in a mountainous region of Northern Spain.  Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 146(3-4): 173-188

INCLÁN, R., DE LA TORRE, D., BENITO, M. & RUBIO, A. Soil CO2 efflux in a mixed Pine-Oak forest in Valsaín (Central Spain). The Scientific World Journal, 7(S1):166-174. DOI 10.1100/TSW.2007.7

MONTES, F., RUBIO, A. & CAÑELLAS, I. Leaf area index estimation in mountain even-aged Pinus sylvestris L. stands from hemispherical photographs. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 146: 215-228.

ROMANYA, J., ROVIRA, P., DUGUY, B., VALLEJO, R. & RUBIO, A. C sequestration issues in the Mediterranean soils. Capítulo del libro: Greenhouse-gas budget of soils under changing climate and land use (Burn-Out). COST 639, 2006-2010. pp: 15-22. Editores: R. Jandl & M. Olsson. ISBN 978-3-901347-67-2

ROVIRA, P., ROMANYÀ, J., RUBIO, A., ROCA, N., ALLOZA, J.A. & VALLEJO, R. Estimación del carbono orgánico en los suelos peninsulares españoles. Capítulo del libro: El papel de los bosques en la mitigación del cambio climático: 197-222. Coordinador.: F. Bravo. Editorial: Fundación Gas Natural. ISBN 978-84-611-6599-5

SÁNCHEZ, O., JOVELLAR, L.C., SARMIENTO, L.A., RUBIO, A., & GANDULLO, J.M. Las estaciones ecológicas de los alcornocales españoles. 230 pp. Editorial: Monografías INIA: Serie Forestal Nº 14. Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia. ISBN: 978-84-7498-519-1 


MARTÍNEZ, I., CARREÑO, F., ESCUDERO, A., & RUBIO, A. Are threatened lichen species well-protected in Spain? Effectiveness of a protected areas network. Biological Conservation, 133: 500-511.

MARTÍNEZ, I., ESCUDERO, A., MAESTRE, F.T., DE LA CRUZ, A., GUERRERO, C. & RUBIO, A. Small-scale patterns of abundance of mosses and lichens forming biological soil crust in two semi-arid gypsum environments. Australian Journal of Botany, 54:339-348.

RUBIO, A. & SÁNCHEZ-PALOMARES, O. Physiographic and climatic potential areas for Fagus sylvatica based on habitat suitability indicator models. Forestry, 79: 439-451


MAESTRE, F.T., ESCUDERO, A., MARTÍNEZ, I., GUERRERO, C. & RUBIO, A. Does spatial pattern matter to ecosystem functioning? Insights from biological soil crusts. Functional Ecology, 19:566-573

RUBIO, A. & ESCUDERO, A. Effect of climate and physiography on occurrence and intensity of decarbonatation in Mediterranean forest soils of Spain. Geoderma, 125(3-4): 309-319


ESCUDERO, A., GIMÉNEZ, L., IRIONDO, J.M. & RUBIO, A. Patch dynamics and islands of fertility in a high mountain Mediterranean community. Artic, Antartic, and Alpine Researchs, 36(4): 488-497.

GANDULLO, J.M., BLANCO, A., SÁNCHEZ, O., RUBIO, A., GÓMEZ, V., ELENA, R. Las estaciones ecológicas de los hayedos españoles. 299 pp. Editorial: Monografías INIA: Serie Forestal Nº 8. Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia. ISBN 84-7498-494-7 

GANDULLO, J.M., RUBIO, A., SÁNCHEZ, O., BLANCO, A., ELENA, R. & GÓMEZ, V. Las estaciones ecológicas de los castañares españoles. 224 pp. Editorial: Monografías INIA: Serie Forestal. Nº 7. Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia. ISBN: 84-7498-493-9.


RUBIO, A. & ESCUDERO, A. Clear-cut effects on forest soil under stressful conditions: discoupling of maximum production and soil resplenishment. Forest Ecology and Management, 183: 195-204


ESCUDERO, A., GAVILÁN, R., RUBIO, A. & SOMOLINOS, R.C. Uso de técnicas de regresión GLM con datos fitosociológicos. Capítulo del libro: Vegetación y cambios climáticos: 377-389. Eds.: F. Gómez & J.F. Mota.  Editorial: Universidad de Almería.

GAVILÁN, R.G., SÁNCHEZ-MATA, D., ESCUDERO, A. & RUBIO, A. Spatial structure and interspecific interactios in Mediterranean high mountain vegetation (Sistema Central, Spain). Israel Journal of Plant Sciences, 50: 217-228

RUBIO, A., ELENA, R., SÁNCHEZ, O., BLANCO, A., SÁNCHEZ, F. & GÓMEZ, V. Soil evaluation for Castanea sativa afforestation in Norheastern Spain. New Forests, 23: 131-141


BLANCO, A., MARTÍNEZ, S., SÁNCHEZ, O., RUBIO, A., CISNEROS, C., PEDRO, E.C., MORALES, R. & SUSAITA, F. Aplicación de un modelo de balances hídricos en la cuenca alta del río Mixteca (Oaxaca). 250 pp. Editorial: Universidad Tecnológica de la Mixteca (Huajuapan de León, Oaxaca, México)


ESCUDERO, A., IRIONDO, J.M., OLANO, J.M., RUBIO, A. & SOMOLINOS, R. Factors affecting establishment of a gypsophyte: The case of Lepidium subulatum (Brassicaceae). American Journal of Botany, 87(6): 861-871

GAVILÁN, R.G., ESCUDERO, A. & RUBIO, A. Effects of disturbance on floristic patterns of Quercus pyrenaica forests in Central Spain. Proceedings IAVS Symposium: 226-229

RUBIO, A. & ESCUDERO, A. Small-scalespatial soil-plant relationship in semi-arid gypsum environments. Plant and Soil, 220: 139-150


ESCUDERO, A., SOMOLINOS, R.C., OLANO, J.M. & RUBIO, A. Factors controlling the recruitment of Helianthemum squamatum, a semiarid gypsophile. J. Ecology, 87: 290-302

RUBIO, A., GAVILÁN, R.G. & ESCUDERO, A. Are soil characteristics and understorey composition controlled by forest management? Forest Ecology and Management, 113: 191-200


RUBIO, A., ESCUDERO, A. & GANDULLO, J.M. Sweet chestnut silviculture in an ecological extreme of its range (Extremadura-Spain). Ann. Sci. For., 54(7): 667-68


ESCUDERO, A., FERNÁNDEZ-GONZÁLEZ, F., GAVILAN, R.G. & RUBIO, A. Phytosociological Nomenclature Section. 23. Lazaroa, 16: 170-179

ESCUDERO, A., GAVILAN, R. & RUBIO, A.  Revisión numérica de los encinares silicícolas ibérico-sorianos. Doc. Phytosoc., 16: 103-117

ESCUDERO, A., PAJARON, S. & RUBIO, A.  Canonical Correspondence Analysis as a basis for classification of vegetation. Abstracta Botanica, 20(2): 57-67
