The aim of the EELISA project is to gather an international and multidisciplinary collaboration among the best universities in Europe, for every single EELISA community. For instance, in the advanced materials for a sustainable future community, the following connections between universities have been stablished:
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM)
The coordinator of the EELISA Advanced Materials for a Sutainable Future is from the UPM.

École des Ponts ParisTech
Jose María Ulloa and Francisco Gálvez had conversations with Laurent Maghdissian, academic responsible of the Département Génie Mécanique et Matériaux, and Karam Sab, head of the Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science Department, who already expressed their interest in joining the community. Moreover, exchange of students and the creation of a double Materials Engineering Master degree was also discussed. First exchange of Materials Engineering master students planned for January 2022.Javier Segurado was director of the master project of a student of Ecole des Pontes (Anthony Voitus).

Universitatea Politehnica din București
Mihaela Iordachescu has participated in a research project with this university and collaborated with researchers there.

Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna
Jose Manuel Otón knows assistant professor Claudio Otón, member of the Institute of Communication, lnformation and Perception Technologies of Sant’Anna.

Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU)
David Fuertes has been in contact during last years with Prof. Christoph Brabec, from the Department of Materials Science and Engineering
and Chair of Materials for Electronics and Energy Technology, and with other members of his group doing research in photovoltaic materials.