The 1st International Workshop on Energy-Based Seismic Engineering will focus on a broad range of topics related to the Energy-Based Seismic Engineering aiming to bring together experts from several institutions. The Workshop organizers invite papers and presentation proposals relevant to conference themes. Other papers related on the seismic design with links to the energy-based approach are also welcomed. Considering the theme of the Workshop, the presentation should be focused on trying to answer to any of the following or related subjects
- Are energy-based IMs able to characterize the damage potential of ground motion
- Do we need to look for energy-based EDPs
- Can the energy be employed to evaluate accurately the capacity of structural members and systems
- How the damage can be estimated in terms of energy
- What is the influence of structural modeling in energy-based damage assessment of structures
- How the energy dissipation demand on structural components can be estimated from the total energy input
- Do we agree that energy-based concepts are particularly appropriate for designing innovative structures with energy dissipation systems or seismic isolation