Assessment of different components of the Carbon flux in forest and agricultural ecosystems using remote sensing data and field measurements.

The two main components of the carbon cycle are Gross Primary Production (GPP) and Soil Respiration (Rs). We have assessed these two main components of the carbon cycle in agricultural and forest ecosystems by new remote sensing and field techniques.

Mapping fallow lands, the forgotten land cover class

We proposed a new methodology based on NDVI time series autocorrelation values and machine learning algorithms to assess fallowing temporal patterns across rainfed agricultural areas that was tested in mainland Spain. See the spatial distribution in the post’s map viewer.

How are vegetation growing seasons around the world?

We identified the most relevant vegetation seasonal patterns based on spectral analysis of NDVI time series. Most of global land surface (93.18%) showed one intra-annual growing season whereas bi- and trimodal patterns occupy lower area (5.58%), mainly in tropical and arid regions along with agricultural areas. The highest values of amplitude and stability were found at Northern Hemisphere high latitudes whereas lowest values were located in tropical and arid regions. High presence of pluri-annual cycles was found in water-limited areas of Australia. See more in this article.

Spectral Shape Indexes (SSI): calculations using R, an aplication in Andalucía

The aim of this tutorial  is the ease the process to calculate angle indexes using the package Angle Indexes develop by GEOQuBiDy. For this example we will used MODIS data and all the porcess will be donde using R.

Spectral Shape Indexes (SSI): basis and applications

In this post we present the basis and possible applications of the spectral shape indices (SSI) which first proposed by members of this research team in 2006 (Palacios-Orueta et al., 2006). These indices are based on the angle formed at any vertex of three contiguous spectral bands in a multispectral broadband spectrum being computed easily by cosine theorem.